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Test Cards

You can use any of the following test card numbers to test the 3D Secure 2 API.

Do not use real card numbers or other payment instrument details in the Merchant Test environment. It is not compliant with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS), and does not protect cardholder/payee information. Any upload of real cardholder data is strictly prohibited, as described in the Terms of Use.

Expiry Date

When using the test card numbers, you can use any date in the future for the expiry date (e.g., 11/27).


You can use any 3 (or 4 for Amex cards) digit number for the CVV in the merchant test environment. However, if you wish to generate a specific CVV match response, you will need to use the following values.

3D Secure 2.0 Test Cards

Card Type 3DS 2.0 Test Cards threeDResult before challenge Status before Challenge threeDResult after challenge Status after challenge
Visa 4000000000002719 A COMPLETED N/A N/A
4000000000002503 C PENDING Y COMPLETED
4000000000002370 C PENDING N COMPLETED
4000000000002420 C PENDING U COMPLETED
4000000000002446 Error N/A N/A N/A
4000000000002560 N/A FAILED N/A N/A
4000000000002925 N COMPLETED N/A N/A
4000000000002537 R COMPLETED N/A N/A
4000000000002990 U COMPLETED N/A N/A
4000000000002701 Y COMPLETED N/A N/A
Mastercard 5200000000002482 A COMPLETED N/A N/A
5200000000002490 C PENDING N COMPLETED
5200000000002151 C PENDING Y COMPLETED
5200000000002664 C PENDING U COMPLETED
5200000000002037 Error N/A N/A N/A
5200000000002508 N/A FAILED N/A N/A
5200000000002276 N COMPLETED N/A N/A
5200000000002185 R COMPLETED N/A N/A
5200000000002409 U COMPLETED N/A N/A
5200000000002235 Y COMPLETED N/A N/A
American Express 340000000002872 A COMPLETED N/A N/A
340000000002534 C PENDING Y COMPLETED
340000000002237 C PENDING N COMPLETED
340000000002484 C PENDING U COMPLETED
340000000002732 Error N/A N/A N/A
340000000002948 N/A FAILED N/A N/A
340000000002096 N COMPLETED N/A N/A
340000000002062 R COMPLETED N/A N/A
340000000002468 U COMPLETED N/A N/A
340000000002708 Y COMPLETED N/A N/A