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API Endpoints

The API endpoint (URI or URL) must point to either the Test or Production (live) environment.

  • Test API endpoint
    For example:
  • Production API endpoint
    For example:

API Endpoint Patterns

The API endpoints typically conform to the pattern of the example below:

Replace the elements in the API endpoint example above as follows:

Element Usage


Use test for a Test transaction. Remove the word test for a live (i.e., Production) transaction.

In this case, replace identity_check_id with the unique ID returned in the response to the original Customer Identity Check request.


Replace with the type of API request, such as rerunfailedchecks.

v1 This is the version of the API. Currently all APIs are on version 1.

Refer to the table below for further examples.

API Request Used To Endpoint Pattern
Customer Identity Checks Run a Customer Identity check on a customer.


Rerun a Customer Identity Check Rerun a Customer Identity check on a customer in the case where the original Customer Identity check resulted in an error.


  • In the above examples, replace identity_check_id with the unique ID returned to the response to the original Customer Identity Check request.
  • The examples point to the Production system.
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