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Customer Vault Errors

JSON error responses from the Customer Vault API include information in the body of the response similar to the following:

"message":"Either you submitted a request that is missing a mandatory field or the value of a field does not match the format expected.",
"error":"Invalid Locale"
"message":"The merchantCustomerId provided for this profile has already been used for another profile - 2e7daaac-49f1-4aae-befb-e9b03a30cbc8",
"error": {
"code": "7521",
"message": "The merchantCustomerId provided is used in the following number of profiles: 2",
"links": [
"rel": "errorinfo",
"href": ""
"links": [
"rel": "existing_entity",
"href": "http://localhost:8412/customervault/v1/profiles/656c3c63-978e-42bc-ab86-e589ad246138"
"rel": "existing_entity",
"href": "http://localhost:8412/customervault/v1/profiles/0c4bd194-415d-44f0-b2be-9fa521cf0185"

The error object consists of the following elements:

Element Type Description Required?
code string The error code. Yes
message string The error message describing the error. Also shown in the X-Application-Status-Code response header. Yes
(Array of field:error pairs)
field string If there is an error in a field, the identity of the field. Optional
error string The error in the field. Optional
(Array of rel:href pairs)
rel string The type of link: "errorinfo". Yes
href string The URL within the Developer Center that contains a description of the error. Yes

If you specify an attribute unique to an existing profile, there is also a separate links object - an array of rel:href pairs - with the following elements:

Element Type Description Required?
rel string The text "existing_entity" Yes
href string The URL to use to look up the existing profile. Yes

To save you having to parse the response body to find the error information, you can retrieve the error code from the X-Application-Status-Code response header.

This is a summary of all errors that could be returned when using the Customer Vault API, including HTTP Status Codes.

HTTP Status Code Summary

Code Range Description
1xx: Informational Communicates transfer protocol–level information.
2xx: Success Indicates that the client’s request was accepted.
3xx: Redirection Indicates that the client must take some additional action in order to complete the request.
4xx: Client Error Indicates that the client has made an error with the request.
5xx: Server Error Indicates that an error occurred on the server side.

Common HTTP Response Status Codes

Code Description
200 OK Everything worked as expected.
201 Created The request was successful. Paysafe created a new resource and the response body contains the representation.
202 Accepted This indicates that the client’s request will be handled asynchronously. It tells the client that the request appears valid, but it still may have problems once it is processed.
204 No Content This is usually returned in response to a PUT, POST, or DELETE request when the REST API declines to send back any status message or representation in the body of the response message.
304 Not Modified The client's cached version of the representation is still up to date.
400 Bad Request This often indicates that a required parameter is missing or that a parameter is invalid. This is a generic client-side error status, used when no other 4xx error code is appropriate.
401 Unauthorized This indicates that the client tried to operate on a protected resource without providing the proper authorization. They may have provided the wrong credentials or none at all.
402 Payment Required The parameters were valid but the request failed.
404 Not Found The requested resource does not exist.
405 Method Not Allowed The client tried to POST or PUT to a resource that would not accept it.
415 Unsupported Media Type

The request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.

429 Too Many Requests The application is sending too many simultaneous requests.
500 Internal Server Error An error occurred with an internal server.
502 External Server Error We received an invalid response from the upstream gateway in attempting to fulfill the request.

Common Errors

HTTP Status Code Error Code Description
500 1000 An internal error occurred.
502 1001 An error occurred with the external processing gateway.
500 1002 An internal error occurred.
500 1003 An internal error occurred.
500 1007 An internal error occurred.
500 1008 An internal error occurred.
429 1200 The API call has been denied as it has exceeded the permissible call rate limit.
401 5000 Your merchant account authentication failed. Either your store ID/password is invalid or the IP address from which you are sending the transaction has not been authorized.
400 5001 The submitted currency code is invalid or your account does not support this currency.
400 5003 You submitted an invalid amount with your request.
400 5004 You submitted an invalid account type with your request.
400 5005 You submitted an invalid operation type with your request.
400 5010 The submitted country code is invalid.
400 5016 The merchant account you provided cannot be found.
400 5017 The merchant account you provided is disabled.
402 5021 Your transaction request has been declined.
400 5023 The request is not parsable.
409 5031 The transaction you have submitted has already been processed.
401 5040 Your merchant account is not configured for the transaction you attempted.
400 5042 The merchant reference number is missing or invalid or it exceeds the maximum permissible length.
400 5068 Either you submitted a request that is missing a mandatory field or the value of a field does not match the format expected.
404 5269 The ID(s) specified in the URL do not correspond to the values in the system.
403 5270 The credentials provided with the request do not have permission to access the requested data.
406 5271 You requested a response in the 'Accept' header that is in an unsupported format.
406 5272 The 'Content-Type' you specified in request header was submitted in an unsupported format.
404 5273 Your client reached our application but we were unable to service your request due to an invalid URL.
401 5275 The authentication credentials provided with the request have expired.
401 5276 The authentication credentials provided with the request provided have been disabled.
401 5277 The authentication credentials provided with the request have been locked due to multiple authentication failures.
401 5278 The authentication credentials provided with the request were not accepted for an unknown reason.
401 5279 The authentication credentials are invalid.
401 5280 The required authentication credentials were not provided.
405 5281 The request uses an action (e.g., GET, POST, or PUT) that is not supported by the resource.
400 5501 The profile does not have an active credit card.
400 5500 Either the payment token is invalid or the corresponding profile or bank account is not active.

Customer Vault Errors

HTTP Status Code Error Code Description
409 7503 The card number you are trying to add to this profile is already used by this profile.
409 7504 This card has been used for the maximum number of profiles allowed. Please use a different card.
409 7505 The merchantCustomerId provided for this profile has already been used for another profile.
409 7506 The bank account you are trying to add to this profile is already in use.
409 7507 The mandate reference you are trying to add to this profile is already in use.
400 7508 You submitted an invalid card number or brand or combination of card number and brand with your request.
409 7509 The bank account has one or more existing Mandates so associated banking information cannot be updated.
400 7510 You submitted invalid bank account information for your banking scheme.
404 7511 The address ID provided in your request could not be found.
400 7512 The merchant's Apple Pay configuration could not be found.
400 7513 The Apple Pay token is invalid.
404 7514 The payment token has expired.
409 7515 The card cannot be added to this profile because the profile has reached the maximum number of cards allowed.
400 7516 You need to provide at least one search parameter.
400 7517 You need to provide dates with the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SSZ.
400 7518 The days between the dates specified exceeds the maximum.
400 7519 The pagination limit exceeds the maximum.
409 7520 The bank account cannot be added to this profile because the profile has reached the maximum number of bank accounts allowed.
409 7521 The merchantCustomerId provided is used in the following number of profiles: 2
400 7523 Cannot find proper Apple Pay merchant configuration. Apple Pay Processing certificate should be uploaded in Paysafe Backoffice and should match the active Apple Pay Processing certificate from the Apple Developer Portal.