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Direct Debit Simulator

In the production environment, different statuses are received from banking partners like returns/rejections for Direct Debit transactions. To replicate a few of them in a test environment, a simulator service is enabled.

The functionality of this simulator is to mimic bank return responses based on the input transaction triggers (specifically, transaction amount received in the input). Depending on the matched trigger, the return response will be simulated similar to production with the respective return codes. 

The return responses that the simulator replicates are batch responses, not a real-time API response that is provided at the time of creation of transactions. 

Merchant can receive these simulated statuses/responses for the created transactions through the following options: 

  1. GET APIs
  2. Merchant back-office portal
  3. Webhooks (if opted)

Currently, only the following schemes and return codes are supported. Other schemes and possible return codes are being worked on and will be soon released for simulation. 


Reason Code Scheme Trigger Amount Comments
R01 ACH 6001 R01 Insufficient funds reasonCode:R01
R03 ACH 6002 R03 No account/unable to locate, reasonCode:R03
R02 ACH 6003 R02 Account closed, reasonCode:R02
R08 ACH 6004 R08 Stop payment, reasonCode:R08
R29 ACH 6005 R29 Corp cust. adviser not auth., reasonCode:R29
  ACH 6600 Trigger amount for SETTLEMENT_CLEARED Event
  ACH Rest of the amounts Trigger amount for PAYMENT_COMPLETED Event


Reason Code Scheme Trigger Amount Comments
901 EFT 9001 901 Not sufficient funds (debits only), reasonCode:901
902 EFT 9002 902 Cannot trace
905 EFT 9003 905 Account closed
903 EFT 9004 903 Payment stopped/recalled
900 EFT 9005 900 Validation Rejection, reasonCode:900
  EFT 9900 Trigger amount for SETTLEMENT_CLEARED Event
  EFT Rest of the amounts Trigger amount for PAYMENT_COMPLETED Event

Do not send real-time data like name, e-mail, phone, address, account number in the development environment. 

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