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Going Live

Moving to Production Environment

The test and production environments are two separate integrations. Your API requests in the production environment must use your Production account details:

  • Production merchant account number
  • Production API Key

To process live transactions, your API requests should point to the Production API endpoints:

For example:

You need to repeat any configuration changes made to your test account on the production account. Keep a record of any changes requested and carried out. 

Go Live Checklist

See below for details of website compliance and other checks that should be completed before going live.

Before switching an account to live, Paysafe will carry out compliance checks on all merchants who are using Paysafe as their acquirer. For merchants using a different acquirer, additional compliance checks may apply. Contact your acquirer for details. 

Required Info from Relying Party / Digital Asset Consumer Description Preprod values Production values
Entity Name (English)

Name to display on the Interact verification service App



Entity Name (French)

Name to display on the Interact verification service App




RP/DACs need to provide the JWKS URL that exposes the public key to verify their signed request by the Interact verification service system.


  • The JWKS URL should be accessible from the internet.
  • Should expose the public key(s) corresponding to RP's private key(s)(The private key used to sign the request object MUST be associated with a public key used for signature verification published by the sender in its JWK Set document).
  • Must contain: "KeyId"(kid),  "use": "sig" (at least for one of the keys); "kta":"RSA" (key type), "alg":"RS256".
  • Must be HTTPS (cert+intermediate)



Redirect URLs

One or more URLs on the RP side where the user will be redirected by the HUB after a flow    

Minimum 3 Logos (companySmallLogo and companyBigLogo ) are required for Onboarding.


  1. companySmallLogo is max-width: 200 px; max-height: 200px; in SVG format both French and English. The image has to be in a transparent background square with a round logo shape.
  2. companyBigLogo is width: 255px; height: 55px; in svg format both French and English.
    1. FaviconcompanyFavicon is width: 48px; height: 48px; in SVG format both French and English. NOTE: In some cases the 200x200 logo can be scaled down to 48x48, but in some cases a simpler, less detailed logo is required.

Logo to display on the Interac verification service app 

  1. companySmallLogo 
  2. companyBigLogo → 255x55 px

(Optional) If a Custom Web banner is required, please provide RGBs for

  1. Header Background colour
  2. Button Background colour
  3. Button Text colour

Applicable for Interact verification service only


Scope configuration

1. Scope. The following pre-defined scopes are available and can be enabled for Service Providers to quickly set up test projects and understand the options available to them:

openid onlyVme_scope - indicates that scope describes VME mode (RP wants to enable the VerifiedMe flow);

openid document_scope -  indicates that scope describes document mode (RP wants to enable the Document Verification flow);

openid general_scope -  indicates that scope describes select mode (RP wants to enable the select page and leave the user to choose the flow: VerifiedMe or Document Verification);

openid dual_scope - indicates that scope describes dual-mode (VerifiedMe AND Document Verification).  

Note: HUB supports configurable scopes for each Client. A Client may have one or more scopes configured for their desired use cases. To make a specific ID proofing request, the Client includes the relevant scope in the OpenID Connect authorization request. Clients may assign their own scope names for their configurations.

2. acceptPartialResult flag = true - by default. Provides the ability to get partial results for dual-mode flow in the case when one of the verificaition processes were stopped or failed.  (allows successful flow and canceled Document service flow or vice versa). Applicable for dual_scope only

Interac verification service data configuration 

1. List of Attributes and Bundle


Bundle: SK-DA-01 (Identity Profile);

List of attributes from the bundle:

  • Given name (first name),
  • Family name (last name),
  • Date of birth

2. Subject Matching = disabled - by default. HUB allows performing matching for RP end-user's data against Interac verification service user’s data. Applicable for Document_scope, onlyVme_scope and General_scope. 

Document Verification data configuration 

1. Supported document types
List of document types that can be used during the flow. For each document, an issuing Country and State should be provided.
Full set of document types: passport, drivers_license

2. Allow expired documents flag
Identifier if the client allows passing the flow with expired documents.

3. Fields
List of fields that the RP is expecting to retrieve from the document service. 
Full set of fields: given_name, family_name, birthdate, address, document_type, nationality, issue_date, document_number, expiry_date, issuing_country, issuing_authority

4. Always Return document scan data (allowPartialResults) = false by default. Provides the ability to allow full results with the SUSPECTED or REJECTED flags (If enabled the userinfo response will be populated with the scan results which include (a) any PII and document data Onfido was able to process and return, and (b) the SUSPECTED or REJECTED flags that were triggered).

Applicable for Document_scope and General_scope. 

5. Subject Matching = disabled - by default. HUB allows performing matching for RP end-user's data against data from the user's document. Applicable for Document_scope, onlyVme_scope and General_scope.