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Integrating iOS SDK

For more information, see Integrating iOS SDK

Import SDK

Initialize Paysafe3DS

The Paysafe3DS initializer has the following signature:

/// - Parameters:
/// - apiKey: Paysafe API key
/// - environment: Paysafe environment
apiKey: String,
environment: PaysafeEnvironment

Pass the following parameters:








The Base64-encoded version of the single-use token API key is used to authenticate with the Payment Hub REST API.




PaysafeEnvironment is an enum type with the following cases:

  • TEST


let paysafe3DS = Paysafe3DS(
apiKey: "<api-key>",
environment: .production

Start challenge

Use your provider API or service to generate a paymentHandle.

Using the paymentHandle, you can start the 3DS challenge by calling the following method. It returns a publisher that publishes a String representing either the deviceFingerprintingId or a PSError object:

/// Paysafe3DS method used to initiate the 3D Secure flow.
/// - Note: Paysafe3DSOptions
/// * accountId: Merchants account id
/// * cardBin: Card bin
/// - Parameters:
/// - options: Paysafe3DSOptions
/// - Returns:Publisher that publishes a String representing the deviceFingerprintingId or a PSError.
/// - Note: PSError
/// * badRequest
/// * notFound
/// * serverError
/// * parsingError
/// * unknown
/// * threeDSServiceError
/// * threeDSUserCancelled
/// * threeDSTimeout
/// * threeDSFailedValidation
/// * threeDSUnknown
public func initiate3DSFlow(
using options: Paysafe3DSOptions
) -> AnyPublisher<String, PSError>

Paysafe3DS parameters

Parameter Required Type Description




The id of the selected merchant account to use for processing the payment.

If you are a merchant, this field is required only if you have more than one account configured for the same payment method and currency. If you are a partner using a shared API key, this field is mandatory.

cardBin true String This is the card Bank Identification Number (BIN). This is typically the first 6–8 digits of the card.

Usage example

let threeDSOptions = Paysafe3DSOptions(
accountId: "<account-id>",
bin: "<card-bin or network-bin>"

using: threeDSOptions
).flatMap { deviceFingerprintingId in

Once you have received the deviceFingerprintingId from the Paysafe mobile SDK you should include it in your Authentication request along with the other required fields and contextual data.

  • See our full API documentation for a complete description of the parameters required for the Authentication request.

When the authentication is complete, Paysafe interprets the directory server response and returns a response containing the status and threeDResult* parameters along with the authenticationId.

  • If status=COMPLETED, then you should consult the Liability Shift matrix to determine whether to proceed with the Authorization request.
  • If status=PENDING and threeDResult=C then the card issuer has challenged the authentication request and requires additional verification. In this situation the merchant should continue with the challenge flow.
  • You can find more details about this flows here: Paysafe Developer: Overview.


Use your provider API or service to authenticate your deviceFingerprint to generate challengePayload and then launch 3DS Challenge.

Method signature

/// Start challenge for `pending` authentication status then finalize the authentication.
/// - Parameters:
/// - payload: SDK challenge payload provided by the /authentications endpoint, a base64 encoded string
public func startChallenge(
using payload: String?
) -> AnyPublisher<String, PSError>

Usage example

let challengePayload = ... // authenticating using the deviceFingerprintId

using: challengePayload
).flatMap { authenticationId in