The tokenize method returns a PaymentHandle result, which will resolve to a single-use payment handle representing the customer's sensitive card data. The payment handle can be used by the Payments API to take payments. Single-use handles are valid for only 5 minutes and are not consumed by verification. See Payments with a Handle for more details.
The tokenize function has the following signatures:
Tokenize callback signature
/// This tokenize function returns a completion, which will resolve to a single-use payment handle representing the user's sensitive card data.
/// This handle can be used by the Payments API to take payments. Single-use handles are valid for only 15 minutes and are not consumed by verification.
/// - Note: PSTokenizeOptions
/// * amount: Payment amount in minor units
/// * transactionType: Transaction type
/// * paymentType: Payment type
/// * merchantRefNum: Merchant reference number
/// * customerDetails: Customer details
/// * merchantDescriptor: Merchant descriptor
/// * accountId: Account id
/// * threeDS: ThreeDS
/// * applePay: Apple Pay additional data
/// * singleUseCustomerToken: Single use customer token
/// * paymentTokenFrom: Payment token from
/// - Parameters:
/// - options: PSTokenizeOptions
/// - completion: PSTokenizeBlock
public func tokenize(
using options: PSTokenizeOptions,
completion: @escaping PSTokenizeBlock
The tokenize() function provides a convenient method for tokenizing sensitive card data, allowing secure payment processing. Upon invocation, this function returns a completion handler that resolves to a single-use payment handle, which represents the user's sensitive card data. This handle can be utilized by the Payments API for payment transactions. It's important to note that single-use handles are valid for only 15 minutes and are not consumed during verification.
- options: An instance of PSCardTokenizeOptions containing various parameters for tokenization, such as the payment amount, transaction type, payment type, merchant reference number, customer details, merchant descriptor, account ID, ThreeDS information, and single-use customer token.
- completion: A completion handler of type PSTokenizeBlock, which is executed once the tokenization process is complete. The completion handler provides the single-use payment handle or any error encountered during the tokenization process.
The PSTokenizeOptions structure provides a comprehensive set of options for configuring the tokenization process. These options include:
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
amount | true | Double | The payment amount is in minor units to charge the customer's card. Use the correct minor units amount for the merchant account currency. For example, to process US $10.99, this value should be 1099. To process 1000 Japanese Yen, this value should be 1000. To process 10.139 Tunisian dinar, this value should be 10139. Min = 1 Max = 999999999 When using 3DS 2 (i.e. useThreeDSecureVersion2= true), amount with value: "0" can be passed. |
currencyCode | true | String | The currencyCode accepts 3 letter abbreviations of the ISO standard currencies. |
accountId | true | String | The id of the selected merchant account to use to process the payment. If you are a merchant, then this field is required only if you have more than one account configured for the same payment method and currency. If you are a partner using a shared API key, then this field is mandatory. |
transactionType | true | TransactionType | This specifies the transaction type for which the Payment Handle is created. Possible values are:
merchantRefNum | true | String | A unique identifier is provided by the merchant for every transaction in Paysafe iOS SDK. |
billingDetails | false | BillingDetails | Card billing address - additional details for the billingDetails object can be found in the Payments API documentation. |
profile | false | Profile | This is the profile of the customer - additional details for the profile object can be found in the Payments API documentation. |
merchantDescriptor | false | MerchantDescriptor | This is a merchant descriptor that is displayed on a customer’s card statement. |
shippingDetails | false | ShippingDetails | This is the shipping usage information. |
singleUseCustomerToken | false | String | This is the singleUseCustomerToken that the merchant generated using the Create a Single-Use Customer Token request. Specify this parameter when you want to use a saved card. |
paymentTokenFrom | false | String | This is single-use payment handle associated with the customer. Specify this parameter when you want to use a saved card. |
renderType | false | RenderType | Specify the render type that the device supports for displaying specific challenge user interfaces within the SDK. The list of all the render types:
threeDS | false | ThreeDS | An object representing the 3DS parameters. Include this object to enable 3DS. |
simulator | false | SimulatorType | The simulator is only applicable in the test environment and its default value is set as internalSimulator. SimulatorType is an enum type with the following cases:
If omitted, defaults to .externalSimulator. |
BillingDetails | |||
country | true | String | Country of billing address |
zip | true | String | Zip code of the address |
state | false | String | State/province/region of the address |
city | false | String | City in which the address is located |
street | false | String | The first line of the street address |
street2 | false | String | The second line of the street address |
phone | false | String | The phone number of the customer |
nickname | false | String | The nickname of the customer |
Profile | |||
firstName | false | String | This is the customer’s first name. |
lastName | false | String | This is the customer’s last name. |
false | String | This is the customer’s email address. | |
phone | false | String | This is the customer’s phone number. |
cellPhone | false | String | This is the customer’s cell phone number. |
MerchantDescriptor | |||
dynamicDescriptor | true | String | This is a merchant descriptor that is displayed on a customer’s card statement |
phone | false | String | This is the merchant’s phone number, which is appended to the merchant descriptor on a customer’s card statement. |
ShippingDetails | |||
shipMethod | false | String |
country | true | String | Country of shipping address |
zip | true | String | Zip code of the shippingaddress |
state | false | String | State/province/region of the shippingaddress |
city | false | String | City in which the shippingaddress is located |
street | false | String | The first line of the street shippingaddress |
street2 | false | String | The second line of the street shippingaddress |
ThreeDs | |||
deviceChannel | true | string | This is the type of channel interface used to initiate the transaction. Possible values are:
merchantUrl | true | String | This is the fully qualified URL of the merchant's commercial or customer care website. |
useThreeDSecureVersion2 | false | Bool | Specifies whether this instance of Paysafe.js should implement 3DS 2. If true and accountId is not configured for 3DS 2, an error will be returned in the callback. If omitted, defaults to false. |
authenticationPurpose | true | AuthenticationPurpose | Indicates the type of Authentication request. This data element provides additional information to the ACS to determine the best approach for handing an authentication request. AuthenticationPurpose is an enum type with the following cases:
If omitted, defaults to .paymentTransaction |
process | false | Bool |
maxAuthorizationsForInstalmentPayment | false | Int | Indicates the maximum number of authorizations permitted for installment payments. Min = 1 Max = 999 Required when authenticationPurpose is set to .instalmentTransaction. |
The completion handler type PSTokenizeBlock is defined as follows:
public typealias PSTokenizeBlock = (Result<String, PSError>) -> Void.
It indicates that the completion handler receives a Result type with a string representing the single-use payment handle in case of success, or a PSError in case of failure.
Tokenization example
/// Payment amount in minor units
let amount = totalPrice * 100
let options = PSCardTokenizeOptions(
amount: amount,
currencyCode: "USD",
transactionType: .payment,
merchantRefNum: "<merchant-ref-num>",
billingDetails: BillingDetails(
country: country,
zip: "1234567",
state: "State",
city: "City",
street: "Good Street 123",
nickName: "nickName"
profile: Profile(
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"
accountId: "<accountId>"
cardForm.tokenize(using: options) { [weak self] tokenizeResult in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self else { return }
isloading = false
switch tokenizeResult {
case let .success(paymentHandleToken):
print("Success. Payment handle token: \(paymentHandleToken)")
case let .failure(error):
print("Error", "\(error.displayMessage)")
Tokenization with 3D Secure
3D Secure 2 provides an improved, seamless way to authenticate customers while adding support for mobile applications and for biometric and token validation, and streamlining the checkout experience using “frictionless” authentication. See the 3D Secure 2 documentation for full details on implementing 3D Secure 2.
The merchant must first be configured by Paysafe Group in order to use 3D Secure 2. 3D Secure 2 is supported only for Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
With 3D Secure 2, the merchant can pass in some additional optional parameters in the threeDS object for Paysafe iOS SDK:
- authenticationPurpose – Only two values are permitted: .paymentTransaction (default value) and
- .instalmentTransaction for maxAuthorizationsForInstalmentPayment parameter
- billingCycle
The card holderName parameter is mandatory in order to use 3D Secure 2.
See the authentications object in the 3D Secure 2 API documentation for a description of these parameters. Note:
For 3D Secure enrolled cards, the customer may be shown an overlay window from their card issuer to authorize the payment. 3D Secure 2 is supported only for Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
/// Payment amount in minor units
let amount = totalPrice * 100
let options = PSTokenizeOptions(
amount: amount,
currencyCode: "USD",
transactionType: .payment,
merchantRefNum: "<merchant-ref-num>",
billingDetails: BillingDetails(
country: country,
zip: "1234567",
state: "State",
city: "City",
street: "Good Street 123",
nickName: "nickName"
profile: Profile(
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"
accountId: "<accountId>",
threeDs: ThreeDS(
merchantUrl: "",
authenticationPurpose: .paymentTransaction,
maxAuthorizationsForInstalmentPayment: 2,
electronicDelivery: ElectronicDelivery(
isElectronicDelivery: true,
email: ""
), messageCategory: .payment,
requestorChallengePreference: .noPreference,
userLogin: UserLogin(
data: "Some up to 2048 bytes undefined data",
authenticationMethod: .noLogin,
time: "2014-01-26T10:32:28Z"
transactionIntent: .goodsOrServicePurchase,
initialPurchaseTime: "2014-01-26T10:32:28Z",
orderItemDetails: OrderItemDetails(
preOrderItemAvailabilityDate: "2014-01-26",
preOrderPurchaseIndicator: "MERCHANDISE_AVAILABLE",
reorderItemsIndicator: "FIRST_TIME_ORDER",
shippingIndicator: "SHIP_TO_BILLING_ADDRESS"
purchasedGiftCardDetails: PurchasedGiftCardDetails(
amount: 1234,
count: 2,
currency: "ARS"
priorThreeDSAuthentication: PriorThreeDSAuthentication(
data: "Some up to 2048 bytes undefined data",
method: .frictionlessAuthentication,
id: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440001",
time: "2014-01-26T10:32:28Z"
shippingDetailsUsage: ShippingDetailsUsage(
cardHolderNameMatch: true,
initialUsageDate: "2014-01-26",
initialUsageRange: .currentTransaction
suspiciousAccountActivity: true,
totalPurchasesSixMonthCount: 1,
transactionCountForPreviousDay: 1,
transactionCountForPreviousYear: 3,
travelDetails: TravelDetails(
isAirTravel: true,
airlineCarrier: "Windsor",
departureDate: "2014-01-26",
destination: "SOF",
origin: "BCN",
passengerFirstName: "John",
passengerLastName: "Smith"
cardForm.tokenize(using: options) { [weak self] tokenizeResult in
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self else { return }
switch tokenizeResult {
case let .success(paymentHandleToken):
print("Success. Payment handle token: \(paymentHandleToken)")
case let .failure(error):
print("Error", "\(error.displayMessage)")
Tokenization exceptions
Error code | Display message | Detailed message | Comments |
9003 | There was an error (9003), please contact our support. | Invalid ${field} field value(s). | *added "field" word, *added "value(s)" instead of "value"
Thrown when merchant skips field validations and tries to tokenize invalid using fields.
Important: This exception is thrown also when the backend request fails with
5068 - Either you submitted a request that is missing a mandatory field or the value of a field does not match the format expected. 7508 - You submitted an invalid card number or brand or combination of card number and brand with your request.
9125 | There was an error (9125), please contact our support. | Unsupported card brand used |
9040 | There was an error (9040), please contact our support. | Authentication result is not accepted for the provided account |
9054 | There was an error (9054), please contact our support. | Amount should be a number greater than 0 no longer than 11 characters | The amount value should be a positive number. |
9136 | There was an error (9136), please contact our support. | Tokenization is already in progress. | Whenever merchant calls tokenize before the previous one has completed |
9098 | There was an error (9098), please contact our support. | Invalid parameter in merchantDescriptor.dynamicDescriptor | String value should have <= 20 characters. |
9099 | There was an error (9099), please contact our support. | Invalid parameter in | String value should have <= 13 characters. |
9112 | There was an error (9112), please contact our support. | Profile firstName should be valid | String value should have <= 80 characters. |
9113 | There was an error (9113), please contact our support. | Profile lastName should be valid | String value should have <= 80 characters. |
9119 | There was an error (9119), please contact our support. | Profile email should be valid | Use the following regex to check: |