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Simulating Card Payments

Simulate the response to a card authorization request. You can return specific response codes by specifying different amounts under $1.00 in the request.

For regular testing, do not use amounts less than $1.00 (100 in minor units) as this will trigger different decline or delay cases.

Amount (Minor Units) HTTP Status Code Error Code Response
1 200   Approved
4 402 3015 The bank has requested that you process the transaction manually by calling the card holder's credit card company.
5 402 3009 Your request has been declined by the issuing bank.
6 500 1007 Clearing house timeout (although the simulator returns immediately; if delay is desired, see amount 96).
11 402 3022 The card has been declined due to insufficient funds.
12 402 3023 Your request has been declined by the issuing bank due to its proprietary card activity regulations.
13 402 3024 Your request has been declined because the issuing bank does not permit the transaction for this card.
20 500 1007 An internal error occurred.
23 402 4002 The transaction was declined by our Risk Management department.
24 402 3007 Your request has failed the AVS check.
25 402 4001 The card number or email address associated with this transaction is in our negative database.
77 402 3060 Applies for Acquiring (UK/EU). Your request has been declined because Strong Customer Authentication is required.
90 200   Approved with 5-second delay
91 200   Approved with 10-second delay
92 200   Approved with 15-second delay
93 200   Approved with 20-second delay
94 200   Approved with 25-second delay
95 200   Approved with 30-second delay
96 500 1007 Declined with 35-second delay. Transaction timed out after 30 seconds.
100 200   Approved

"merchantRefNum": "6264bafe-ed2d-4168-8f7c-84375b049598",
"transactionType": "PAYMENT",
"amount": 4,
"threeDs": {
"merchantUrl": "",
"deviceChannel": "BROWSER",
"messageCategory": "PAYMENT",
"transactionIntent": "GOODS_OR_SERVICE_PURCHASE",
"authenticationPurpose": "PAYMENT_TRANSACTION"
"accountId": "1002409460",
"card": {
"cardNum": "4000000000002503",
"cardExpiry": {
"month": "02",
"year": "2026"
"cvv": 111,
"holderName": "John Doe"
"profile": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": ""
"paymentType": "CARD",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"customerIp": "",
"billingDetails": {
"nickName": "Home",
"street": "5335 Gate Pkwy",
"city": "Jacksonville",
"zip": "32256",
"country": "US",
"state": "FL"
"returnLinks": [
"rel": "on_completed",
"href": "",
"method": "GET"
"rel": "on_failed",
"href": "",
"method": "GET"
"rel": "default",
"href": "",
"method": "GET"

"id": "229ddae3-7752-49b5-8010-ca281a5f770f",
"accountId": "1002409460",
"paymentType": "CARD",
"paymentHandleToken": "SCl4tarEuwnStjQa",
"merchantRefNum": "6264bafe-ed2d-4168-8f7c-84375b049598",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"txnTime": "2024-10-17T15:55:20Z",
"billingDetails": {
"nickName": "Home",
"street": "5335 Gate Pkwy",
"city": "Jacksonville",
"zip": "32256",
"state": "FL",
"country": "US"
"customerIp": "",
"status": "INITIATED",
"links": [
"method": "GET",
"rel": "redirect_payment",
"href": ""
"amount": 4,
"action": "REDIRECT",
"usage": "SINGLE_USE",
"timeToLiveSeconds": 299,
"transactionType": "PAYMENT",
"executionMode": "SYNCHRONOUS",
"profile": {
"locale": "en",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": ""
"card": {
"cardExpiry": {
"month": "2",
"year": "2026"
"holderName": "John Doe",
"cardType": "VI",
"cardBin": "400000",
"lastDigits": "2503",
"cardCategory": "DEBIT",
"issuingCountry": "US"
"returnLinks": [
"method": "GET",
"rel": "on_completed",
"href": ""
"method": "GET",
"rel": "on_failed",
"href": ""
"method": "GET",
"rel": "default",
"href": ""
"skip3ds": false,
"threeDs": {
"merchantUrl": "",
"deviceChannel": "BROWSER",
"messageCategory": "PAYMENT",
"transactionIntent": "GOODS_OR_SERVICE_PURCHASE",
"authenticationPurpose": "PAYMENT_TRANSACTION"

"merchantRefNum": "b9da4161-f7e6-407c-82b6-2ad6d9eeeafa",
"amount": 4,
"currencyCode": "USD",
"dupCheck": true,
"settleWithAuth": true,
"paymentHandleToken": "SCl4tarEuwnStjQa",
"customerIp": "",
"description": "Paysafe Casino"

"error": {
"code": "3015",
"message": "The bank has requested that you process the transaction manually by calling the cardholder's credit card company.",
"additionalDetails": [
"type": "ADVICE",
"code": "ADVICE-06",
"message": "Undefined response."
"type": "ISO_RESPONSE",
"code": "01",
"message": "Refer to Issuer"
"id": "ceea58ae-6084-40b1-9b4b-88859f8303b6",
"merchantRefNum": "0b3a6d9b-6ff3-44b3-a340-ffbcb2423826",
"settleWithAuth": true,
"cvvVerification": "MATCH",
"gatewayResponse": {
"cvvVerification": "MATCH"
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