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Paysafe checkout allows customers to make payments using mobile-based payment methods such as Apple Pay which rely on card payments through the Paysafe Payments API.


  • Complies with PCI SAQ-A
  • Simple and Quick integration

Supported Transaction Type

  • Payments

Set-up Apple Pay in Paysafe Checkout

  1. Set up your merchant account with Paysafe Business Portal. Contact our integration team to get access to it.
  2. To obtain the Public API key from the Business Portal see here.
  3. Register for Apple Merchant ID.
  4. To configure the Apple Pay Certificates in the business portal see here.

Contact your business relationship manager or reach out to (for North American merchants) or (for European/UK existing merchants) for Business Portal credentials.

Example Payment Form

Here is a sample HTML payment form that creates Apple Pay as a payment method in Paysafe Checkout:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0"/>
<script src=""></script>
<body style = "width :'100%'">
<button onclick="checkout()"> Pay $25 </button>
function checkout() {
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 2500,
"locale": "en_US",
"amountoptions": [500, 10000, 60000],
"simulator": "EXTERNAL",
"merchantRefNum": "193767720k213012",
"canEditAmount": true,
"billingAddress": {
"street": "222333 Peachtree Place",
"city": "Atlanta",
"zip": "30318",
"country": "US",
"state": "GA"
"environment": "TEST",
"merchantDescriptor": {
"dynamicDescriptor": "Paysafe test",
"phone": "9505610677"
"customer": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"email": "",
"phone": "3069443197",
"dateOfBirth": {
day: 28,
month: 2,
year: 1975

"paymentMethodDetails": {
applePay: {
//accountId: "1001456390", //optional , needed for multiple ApplePay accountId.
label: "Pay With Apple",
requestShippingAddress: false,
requestBillingAddress: false,
type: 'buy',
supportedCountries: ['US', 'CA', 'GB'],
color: 'white-outline'
function(instance, error, result) {
if (result && result.paymentHandleToken) {
// make AJAX call to Payments API
// alert(result.paymentHandleToken + " - token to be used to make server to server call to Payments API");
instance.showSuccessScreen("Your goods are now purchased. Expect them to be delivered in next 5 business days.");
} else {
// Handle the error
function(stage, expired) {
switch (stage) {
case "BeforePayment": // Handle the scenario
case "DuringPayment": // Handle the scenario
case "AfterPayment": // Handle the scenario
default: // Handle the scenario

Set up function and object

Parameter Required Type Description
paymentMethodDetails true object Required, if the merchant is offering this payment method.
applePay true object Required, if the merchant is offering this payment method.
accountid true (conditional) string Required, if there are multiple apple pay accounts with same currency.
label true string Displayed on payment sheet
requestShippingAddress false bool Default is false. If true, Apple Pay will require shipping address.
requestBillingAddress false bool Default is false. If true, Apple pay will require billing address.
type false string ("plain", "buy", "addMoney", "book", "checkout", "continue", "contribute", "donate", "instore", "order", "reload", "rent", "setup", "subscribe", "support", "tip", "topup") Default: pay Click here to view Apple Guidelines.

If no or wrong value is provided then checkout will create buttons with default values.
color false string (white, black, white-outline) Default: white-outline Click here to view Apple Guidelines.

If no or wrong value is provided then checkout will create buttons with default values.
supportedCountries false two-letter ISO 3166 country code array Limits payments to cards from specific countries.

Click here to review the complete list of parameters definition.