Interchecks (Credit/Debit Cards)
A growing payment service called Interchecks provide quick money transfers, a solution to delayed money settlement, allowing merchants to offer their customers quick withdrawal services. The Paysafe Payments API supports Interchecks as a payment instrument for Cards transactions using VISA Direct as the core service. Intercheck coming in with VISA Direct will allow users to withdraw instantly, and the amount will be ready to use within seconds.
Setup Requirements
Interchecks is a third-party payment method. In order to create a Paysafe test account in a sandbox and production environment, please contact Paysafe and get the following details.
- Name
- Merchant ID
- Merchant Site ID
- Merchant Secret Key
Certification Requirements
No certification requirements for a new merchant with interchecks.
Transaction Types
Here is the supported transaction type:
- Withdrawal: It is used to transfer money from a merchant account to a customer's debit card.
Example Payment Form
The following code sample shows a minimal Paysafe Checkout example that creates a payment overlay for the user. The overlay contains a withdrawal button that creates a payment handle for the data entered by the user and displays the payment handle token (if successful) in the browser console.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<body style = "width :'100%'">
<button onclick="checkout()"> Withdraw $25 </button>
function checkout() {
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 2500,
"payout": true,
"payoutConfig" : {
maximumAmount: 100000
"locale": "en_US",
"amountoptions": [500,10000,60000],
"simulator": "EXTERNAL",
"merchantRefNum": "193767720k213012",
"canEditAmount": true,
"billingAddress": {
"nickName": "Address 2",
"street": "222333 Peachtree Place",
"street2": "jhgsadjsa",
"city": "Atlanta",
"zip": "30318",
"country": "US",
"state": "GA"
"environment": "TEST",
"merchantDescriptor": {
"dynamicDescriptor": "Paysafe test",
"phone": "9505610677"
"customer": {
firstName: "ALBERTA",
email: "",
phone: "1234567890",
dateOfBirth: {
day: 23,
month: 12,
year: 1990
threeDs : {
merchantUrl: window.location.href,
messageCategory: "PAYMENT",
authenticationPurpose: "PAYMENT_TRANSACTION",
deviceChannel: "BROWSER"
"paymentMethodDetails": {
interchecks: { consumerId: "" },
}, function(instance, error, result) {
if (result && result.paymentHandleToken) {
// make AJAX call to Payments API
// alert(result.paymentHandleToken + " - token to be used to make server to server call to Payments API");
instance.showSuccessScreen("Your goods are now purchased. Expect them to be delivered in next 5 business days.");
} else {
// Handle the error
}, function(stage, expired) {
switch(stage) {
case "BeforePayment": // Handle the scenario
case "DuringPayment": // Handle the scenario
case "AfterPayment": // Handle the scenario
default: // Handle the scenario
The setup function creates and initializes the Paysafe Checkout in an overlay.
- An optional riskCallback function to receive the amount and payment method which Customer has selected and run your risk checks before payment handle is created. Depending on the riskCallback response, Payment handle will be created and returned in resultCallback.