Search Overlay

Setup Function

The setup function creates and initializes the Paysafe Checkout in an overlay. It has the following parameters:

  • The Public API key is provided in the Business Portal. Note that this key can only be used to generate payment handle tokens for use with payments, and has no other API access rights, such as those required for taking payments. Consequently, this key can be exposed publicly in the user's browser.
  • An options object contains the environment to use (Test or Live), the payment amount, currency, and several parameters to show additional features in the payment form.
  • A resultCallback function receives the Paysafe checkout instance, handle a successful payment handle (by sending the payment handle to your merchant server), or respond to any errors caused by a failed payment handle creation.
  • An optional closeCallback function you handles the customer closing the payment overlay.
  • An optional riskCallback function to receive the amount and payment method which the Customer has selected and run your risk checks before the payment handle is created. Depending on the riskCallback response, Payment handle will be created and returned in resultCallback (Applicable to only Cards, PaySafe Cash, VIPP, Sightline, and Apple Pay).

The function signature is as follows:

paysafe.checkout.setup (apiKey, options, resultCallback, closeCallback, riskCallback)

Setup Function and Objects

Here is a full list of the setup function parameters, the JavaScript objects used by the setup function, and the parameters they contain.

Parameter Required Type Description
apiKey true string This is your Public API key, available in the Business Portal.
options true object This is the merchant's configuration for rendering the Checkout.
resultCallback true function Callback function invoked with the result or error from the payment, when the payment handle needs to be passed to the merchant. Returns an instance for flow control.
closeCallback false function This notifies the merchant script when the Checkout gets closed. Invoked when a customer closes the Checkout without making a payment.
riskCallback false function Callback function invoked when the merchant wants to run its own risk rule using the amount and payment method. Depending on the callback response, Payment handle will be created and returned in resultCallback (Applicable only to Cards, PaySafe Cash, VIPP and Sightline).
{return} false any  


length = 1-9

true number

Payment amount in minor units to charge the customer's card. Use the correct minor units amount for the merchant account currency. For example, to process US $10.99, this value should be 1099. To process 1000 Japanese Yen, this value should be 1000. To process 10.139 Tunisian dinar, this value should be 10139.

Min = 1

Max = 999999999

When using 3DS 2 (i.e. useThreeDSecureVersion2= true), amount with value: "0" can be passed.

amountoptions No number array

This parameter is used to populate the amount grid options in checkout, for the user to choose on click rather than editing the populated amount.

Field will be utilized only if "canEditAmount" parameter in the options is set to "true".


  1. Field Should be a number array.
  2. Each number option should satisfy a condition of minimum 1 and maximum 9999
  3. Merchant cannot pass the decimal amount in the Amount Grid option
  4. Duplicate values are not allowed.
  5. Maximum option merchant can pass is 3. eg: [1000, 5000, 67000]
currency true string This is the payment currency of the merchant account, for example, USD for US dollars.
merchantRefNum true string A unique identifier provided by the merchant for every transaction from Checkout.
environment false string

Environment used for making the API calls and loading the Checkout.

Possible values are:

  • LIVE – used for Production
  • TEST – used for the Merchant test or sandbox environment

Default is Live.

locale false string

Language locale for the checkout:

  • English: en_US
  • French: fr_CA
  • Spanish: es_MX
  • Portuguese: pt_BR

If omitted, defaults to en_US.

billingAddress false object

This is the billing address of the customer that will be displayed to the customer at checkout. The merchant should include this object if this is a first-time customer with no customer profile. If the customer entity has been created with the Payments API, then address information from the singleUseCustomerToken will be used and the merchant does not have to include the billingAddress object.

Note: The address information from this object will be displayed in place of the address information from the singleUseCustomerToken, if both are included.

Billing address is required for Interchecks.

singleUseCustomerToken false string This is the singleUseCustomerToken that the merchant generated using the Create a Single-Use Customer Token request. Any saved addresses and/or payment details would be displayed in the Checkout.
canEditAmount false boolean If true, the customer can edit the amount in the Checkout before clicking Pay. If false, the amount is not editable.



If a customer is a first-time user and the customer profile does not exist in Paysafe, then the merchant can choose to pass the profile (if the profile exists with him) in the call to create a payment handle.

displayPaymentMethods false array

This determines which available payment methods will be displayed to the consumer. The values in the array are shown in the Checkout in the order they are passed.

This is case-sensitive.

Accepted values:

  • "applePay"
  • "card"
  • "pay_by_bank"
  • "skrill"
  • "neteller"
  • "PaysafeCard"
  • "paysafecash"
  • "sightline"
  • "vippreferred"
  • "paypal"
  • "venmo"
  • "ach"
  • "eft"

If this parameter is not included, then all payment methods available for the consumer will be displayed in the Checkout.

paymentMethodDetails conditional object

These are additional parameters required for

  • Apple Pay
  • Card
  • Pay by Bank
  • Skrill
  • PaysafeCard
  • PaysafeCash
  • Play+ (Sightline)
  • VIP Preferred
  • PayPal
  • Venmo
  • ACH
  • EFT

 payment types.

payout false boolean If true, Withdrawal Checkout screen will be launched. If false, Payment Checkout will be launched. Defaults to false.
payoutConfig conditional object Required for withdrawal checkout only. This configuration is used to specify withdrawal limitations.
merchantDescriptor false object This is a merchant descriptor.



false string An identifier to identify the type of address, for example, Work or Home.
street false string First line of the customer's street address.
street2 false string Second line of the customer's street address. This field is ignored with Direct Debit.
city false string City in which the address is located.
zip true string Zip or postal code for the address.
country true string Country in which the address is located.
state false string This is the state/province/region in which the customer lives. This field is ignored with Direct Debit.
card conditional object Required if there are multiple card accounts for the same currency. These are additional parameters for card.
PaysafeCard conditional object These are additional parameters for Paysafecard. Required for Paysafecard payment/withdrawal.
paysafecash conditional object These are additional parameters for PaysafeCash. Required for PaysafeCash payment/withdrawal.
skrill conditional object These are additional parameters for Skrill. Required for Skrill withdrawal only.
sightline conditional object These are additional parameters for Play+ (Sightline).
vippreferred conditional object These are additional parameters for VIP Preferred.
paypal conditional object These are additional parameters for PayPal. Required for Paypal withdrawal only.
applePay true object Required, if the merchant accepts Apple Pay.
neteller conditional object These are additional parameters for NETELLER.
payByBank conditional object These are additional parameters for Pay by Bank.
venmo conditional object These are additional parameters for Venmo.
ach conditional object These are additional parameters for ACH.
eft conditional object These are additional parameters for EFT.



true string This is a merchant descriptor.



true string This is the merchant’s phone number, which will be appended to the merchant descriptor.



true string The first name of the customer.



true string The last name of the customer.



true string The email address of the customer.
dateOfBirth true object The date of birth of the customer.


length=4 min=1900

true number This is the year of birth.


length=2 max=12

true number This is the month of birth.


length=2 max=31

true number This is the day of birth.



true string The source of funds for the payment, the email address of the consumer or payer.



Conditional string If you are a merchant, then this field is required only if you have more than one account configured for the same payment method and currency. If you are a partner using a shared API key, then this field is mandatory.



false string A label that overrides the business name in the merchant's PayPal account on the PayPal checkout pages.



false string The 2-character preferred language code for the consumer (For Example, AU, AT, BE, BR, CA, CH, CN, DE, ES, GB, FR, IT, NL, PL, PT, RU, or US.) or A five-character code is also valid for languages in these countries (For Example: da_DK, he_IL, id_ID, ja_JP, no_NO, pt_BR, ru_RU, sv_SE, th_TH, zh_CN, zh_HK, and zh_TW).
shippingPreference false enum

The shipping preference. The possible values are:

  • NO_SHIPPING - Redacts the shipping address from the PayPal pages. Recommended for digital goods.
  • GET_FROM_FILE - Uses the customer-selected shipping address on PayPal pages.
  • SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS. If available, uses the merchant-provided shipping address, which the customer cannot change on the PayPal pages. If the merchant does not provide an address, the customer can enter the address on PayPal pages.
consumerMessage false string Note to be displayed on the PayPal page.
orderDescription false string Order description to display on PayPal page. If merchant does not set this field it defaults to 'Payment for order'.



Conditional string If you are a merchant, then this field is required only if you have more than one account configured for the same payment method and currency. If you are a partner using a shared API key, then this field is mandatory.



true string This is a consumer ID of the customer that the merchant has stored in his system for Paysafecard payments.



Conditional string If you are a merchant, then this field is required only if you have more than one account configured for the same payment method and currency. If you are a partner using a shared API key, then this field is mandatory.



true string This is a consumer ID of the customer that the merchant has stored in his system for PaysafeCash payments.



Conditional string If you are a merchant, then this field is required only if you have more than one account configured for the same payment method and currency. If you are a partner using a shared API key, then this field is mandatory.



true string

This is a consumer ID that the merchant has stored for Play+ (Sightline) payments. This will be used by Play+ for customer enrollment.



false string

This is the customer's Social Security Number. If provided, then the last 4 SSN field will be prefilled and locked in enrollment as well as during Payment flow. If not provided, Customer has to enter their full SSN in the enrollment and the last 4 SSN in the Payment flow.



false string This is the customer’s last 4 digits of Social Security Number. If the customer is already enrolled for Sightline, then instead of sending the full ‘SSN’ field, you can send the last 4 digits of SSN which will get prefilled during Payment flow. If not provided, then the system will check if ‘SSN’ field is present to prefill the last 4 digits. If both these fields are not provided, then the customer has to enter the last 4 digits of SSN to complete the payment.



Conditional string If you are a merchant, then this field is required only if you have more than one account configured for the same payment method and currency. If you are a partner using a shared API key, then this field is mandatory.



string Required, if there are multiple apple pay accounts with same currency.
label false string Displayed on payment sheet.
type false string

("plain", "buy", "addMoney", "book", "checkout", "continue", "contribute", "donate", "instore", "order", "reload", "rent", "setup", "subscribe", "support", "tip", "topup") Default: pay "Click here to view Apple Guidelines"

If no or wrong value is provided then Checkout will create button with default values.

color false string

(white, black, white-outline) Default: white-outline "Click here to view Apple Guidelines"

If no or wrong value is provided then Checkout will create button with default values.

requestShippingAddress false bool Default is false. If set to true, Apple Pay will require a shipping address.
requestBillingAddress false bool Default is false. If set to true, Apple pay will require a billing address.
supportedCountries false two-letter ISO 3166 country code array Limits payments to cards from specific countries.


length <= 50

true string

This is the consumer's Skrill email ID to be paid. Required for withdrawal checkout. Merchant has to have this stored prior when consumer made a Skrill payment.


length <= 36

false string

This is the ID returned in the response to a prior Payment that the customer made using Instant ACH. Required for withdrawal checkout.


length <= 30

true string

This is the Subject line to use in the customer email. Required for withdrawal checkout.


length <= 50

true string This is the message to use in the customer email. Required for withdrawal checkout.


length <= 30

false string A description to be shown on the Skrill payment page in the logo area if there is no logo_url parameter. If no value is submitted and there is no logo, the merchant_skrill_email value is shown as the recipient of the payment.


length <= 2

false string The 2-character preferred language code for the consumer (For example: EN, FR).
logoUrl false string

The URL of the logo which you would like to appear in the top right of the Skrill page. The logo must be accessible via HTTPS or it will not be shown. The logo will be resized to fit. To avoid scaling distortion, the minimum size should be as follows:

If the logo width > height - at least 107px wide

If logo width > height - at least 65px high

Avoid large images (much greater than 256 by 256px) to minimize the page loading time.

detail1Description false string You can show additional details about the product in the More information section in the header of Quick Checkout.
detail1Text false string The detail1Text is shown next to the detail1Description in the More Information section in the header of the payment form with the other payment details. The detail1Description combined with the detail1Text is shown in the more information field of the merchant account history CSV file.


length <= 10

conditional string If you are a merchant, then this field is required only if you have more than one account configured for the same payment method and currency. If you are a partner using a shared API key, then this field is mandatory.



true string

This is the customer's Social Security Number.



conditional string

If you are a merchant, then this field is required only if you have more than one account configured for the same payment method and currency. If you are a partner using a shared API key, then this field is mandatory.




conditional string This field is recommended if you have one account configured for the same payment method and currency. The field is required if you have more than one account configured for the same payment method and currency. This field also is required if you are a partner using a shared API key.



Conditional string This field is recommended if you have one account configured for the same payment method and currency. The field is required if you have more than one account configured for the same payment method and currency. This field also is required if you are a partner using a shared API key.
consumerId true string This is the id of the Venmo consumer account
consumerId true string The consumer id of the Pay by Bank account