Process Withdrawals
Paysafe Checkout enables you to send money back to your customers’ Cards, Bank accounts or Wallets.
The Customer initiates the withdrawal.
Merchant Server checks if the customer profile is already created at Paysafe.
The merchant website initiates the Checkout with setup options.
Paysafe Checkout collects Customer’s payment method details.
Paysafe server receives the customer details and sends the Payment Handle Response to the Paysafe Checkout.
Paysafe Checkout sends the Payment Handle Token to Merchant Website as a part of resultCallback.
Merchant website sends the Payment Handle Token to the Merchant server.
Merchant server calls the Standalone Credit API using the private key. You must initiate a POST request to the endpoint:
Standalone Credit API processes the request and returns the response.
Merchant Server processes the Standalone Credit Response.
Merchant Website displays Success screen on the Merchant website.
Here is a typical Scenario for an existing customer making a card withdrawal:
The Customer initiates the withdrawal.
Merchant Server checks if the customer profile is already created at Paysafe.
If the customerId exists, the merchant server makes an API call to create a single-use customer token API using the customerId.
The Paysafe server generates and sends the single-use customer token to Merchant Website.
Merchant Website initiates the Paysafe Checkout using the single-use customer token.
Paysafe Checkout displays the Customer’s saved payment details.
Paysafe server generates and sends the Payment Handle Response to the Paysafe Checkout.
Paysafe Checkout sends the Payment Handle Token to Merchant Website as a part of resultCallback.
Merchant website sends the Payment Handle Token to the Merchant server.
Merchant server calls the Standalone Credit API using the private key. You must initiate a POST request to the endpoint:
Standalone Credit API processes the request and send the Standalone Credit Response.
Merchant Server processes the Standalone Credit Response.
Merchant Website displays Success screen on the Merchant website.
The following code sample shows a minimal Paysafe Checkout example that creates a payment overlay for the user. The overlay contains a Payment button that creates a payment handle for the data entered by the user and displays the payment handle token (if successful) in the browser console.
Paysafe Checkout Code Sample
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Sample Paysafe Checkout Code
Please feel free to copy this code to a fresh HTML file, and run it on your device (all desktop and mobile devices are supported).
You may even use this code as baseline to integrate your website with Paysafe & start receiving online payments. -->
<head>Paysafe Checkout Demo
<button onclick="checkout()"> Paysafe Checkout </button>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var API_KEY_MERCHANT_TEST = "<Please-Insert-Your-Base64-Encoded-API-Key-Here>";
function checkout() {
paysafe.checkout.setup( API_KEY_MERCHANT_TEST, {
currency: "USD", // 4 currencies currently supported by Paysafe Checkout - "USD", "CAD", "EUR", "GBP"
amount: 10000, // This qualifies as USD $ 100.00. Multiply Payment Amount by 100 and supply here.
payout: true, // payout: true --> for Withdrawal (standalone credits); payout: false --> for Payments/Deposit
payoutConfig: { // payoutConfig section required only when payout: true [for Withdrawal cases].
"maximumAmount": 100000000
locale: "en_US",
simulator: "EXTERNAL",
imageUrl: "", // Supply Your Logo URL here.
environment: "TEST", // environment: "LIVE" --> Production, "TEST" --> test environment for customers to try out Checkout & its features
buttonColor: "#66cc99", // feel free to change the color of buttons (RGB value)
companyName: "Example Paysafe Merchant", // Supply Your Company Name here
holderName: "John Smith", // Supply Customer's Name here
customer: {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Dee",
email: "",
phone: "1234567890",
dateOfBirth: { // dateOfBirth : This {section} is optional, needs to be provided only if you want to prefill DOB in Checkout.
day: 1, // If dateOfBirth : {section} is not supplied, Checkout will allow the customer to enter his DOB before Payment.
month: 7,
year: 1990
billingAddress: { // Supply customer's billing Address here.
nickName: "John Dee",
street: "20735 Stevens Creek Blvd",
street2: "Montessori",
city: "Cupertino",
zip: "95014",
country: "US",
state: "CA"
merchantRefNum: "Supply Merchant Ref Num Here. (Unique For Every Transaction)", // Will be unique and must keep changing every transaction
canEditAmount: true, // Makes the payment amount editable on Checkout screen. Make it false to open Checkout with a fixed non-editable amount.
merchantDescriptor: {
dynamicDescriptor: "XYZ",
phone: "1234567890"
displayPaymentMethods: ["neteller", "skrill", "PaysafeCard", "paysafecash", "instantach", "paypal", "card", "vippreferred", "sightline", "ach", "eft"],
// displayPaymentMethods : Array serves two purposes. You can use it to restrict the payment methods that a customer can see.
// You can also use it to order the payment methods based on your preference.
// If this field is present, the customer will only see those payment methods in the order specified, hence,
// Ensure that you provide all payment methods if you are using it only for the purpose of payment method ordering.
paymentMethodDetails: { // Please read the Checkout Objects Documentation on .....
PaysafeCard: { // .... for details on paymentMethodDetails (including all supported mandatory and optional fields)
consumerId: "123456"
paysafecash: {
consumerId: "123456"
sightline: {
consumerId: "12341231256",
SSN: "123456789",
last4ssn: "6789",
//accountId: "1009688222" // Supply Account ID only if multiple accounts are configured with same payment method
consumerId: "120288765",
//accountId: "1679688456" // Supply Account ID only if multiple accounts are configured with same payment method
card: {
//accountId: "1009688230" // Supply Account ID only if multiple accounts are configured with same payment method
skrill: {
consumerId: "",
emailSubject: "Payout for Greg Neteller",
emailMessage: "You Have Received Payout of $100."
instantach: {
consumerId: '',
paymentId: '3aeb9c63-6386-46a3-9f8e-f452e722228a',
emailSubject: 'Instant ACH Payout',
emailMessage: 'Your Instant ACH Payout request has been processed'
neteller: {
consumerId: "",
recipientDescription: "logo_url_alt_text",
logoUrl: ""
}, function (instance, error, result) {
if (result) {
alert(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4));
} else {
if (result.token) {
alert("Payment Token (Returned By Paysafe GW): " + result.token);
if (result.paymentMethod == "Cards") {}
if (result.paymentMethod == "DirectDebit") {}
if (result.paymentMethod == "Interac") {}
}, function (stage, expired) {
alert ("Payment Handle Stage :: " + stage);
switch (stage) {
case "PAYMENT_HANDLE_NOT_CREATED": // Handle the scenario
case "PAYMENT_HANDLE_CREATED": // Handle the scenario
case "PAYMENT_HANDLE_REDIRECT": // Handle the scenario
case "PAYMENT_HANDLE_PAYABLE": // Handle the scenario
default: // Handle the scenario