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Paysafe JS is a flexible and fully customizable payment form which embeds seamlessly into your website. It takes care of your data security and PCI compliance while allowing you the freedom to tailor the entire user experience to your website's design.

All the sensitive payment fields (card number, CVV, and expiry date, year and month) are displayed in an iframe hosted on Paysafe servers. Paysafe Group handles the user input and storage of the data. Paysafe JS uses the Payment API REST APIs to handle the payment.


  • Complies with PCI SAQ-A, because Paysafe Group handles security for the sensitive fields.
  • Extensive customization options enable you to create your own payment form that matches your website.
  • Create as many translated or localized versions of your payment form as required.
  • Fast page load times.
  • No redirection is required.
  • Embeds naturally and remains invisible.
  • Supports processing payments with 3D Secure-enabled cards.
  • Supports processing of Cards and ApplePay.
  • Gives information on the decline rate of a card brand, so merchant can choose an alternative payment method

Before you Begin

Please contact your business relationship manager or reach out to for your credentials to the Business Portal.

To obtain the Public API key from the Business Portal:

  1. Log in to the Business Portal. 

  2. Go to Integrate > API Keys.

  3. For Public Key, click the Copy icon to copy the API key. 

  4. Your API key will have the following format:

    • Key Username – MerchantXYZ
    • Key Password – B-tst1-0-51ed39e4-312d02345d3f123120881dff9bb4020a89e8ac44cdfdcecd702151182fdc952272661d290ab2e5849e31bb03deede7e
  5. Use the same API key for all the Payment Methods.

    1. You must Base64 Encode your Public API key before using it in the Payments JS SDK.
    2. The API key is case-sensitive and sent using HTTP Basic Authentication.
    3. To use HTTP Basic Authentication, you must send the API key credentials using the Authorization header with every request. You must construct the Authorization header as follows:
  6. Combine the Key Username and Key Password into a string separated by a colon, e.g., “Key Username:Key Password”.

  7. The resulting string literal is then encoded using Base64.

  8. The authorization method and space (i.e., “Basic”) are then put before the encoded string.

  9. For example, using the Key Username and Password examples above, the header is formed as follows:


For additional details, see here.

Integrating JS

Paysafe JS collects your customer details, such as account information, billing details, and so on. It helps your customers complete the order by processing the payments. Paysafe JS software development kit gives you the freedom to build your custom integration.

Reach out to our Integrations Support Team at to set up a test account, and include the supported payments you would like to add to your test account.

Try Now

For a brief demonstration of Paysafe.js, enter a test card number below (for example, 4111 1111 1111 1111), a valid future expiry date, a random three digit CVV, and then click Pay. A successful tokenization attempt will result in the token appearing in the cURL example below, which shows how you can take payment on your server (try this out in a Unix/Cygwin terminal to see the API response). If you have python installed, we recommend that you add the following to the end of the cURL request to format the JSON response clearly | python -mjson.tool.

To view the above example in CodePen, click here.

curl -location -request POST '' \
- u apiKeyId:apiKeyPassword
- header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
- data-raw '{
"merchantRefNum": "payment-token-demo-1",
"amount": 5000,
"currencyCode": "USD",
"settleWithAuth": true,

How to Use the SDK

  1. Create your custom HTML payment form with the content (text and images) and style you require.
  2. Include the Paysafe.js JavaScript SDK (paysafe.min.js) <script> tag in the <head> element of your HTML payment form.
  3. Add empty container elements (typically <div>) to your HTML for each of the sensitive payment fields: card number, CVV, expiry date, and/or Apple Pay.
  4. Call the SDK fields.setup function with your single-use token API key. The setup function inserts iframes hosted on Paysafe Group's servers inside these containers. These iframes contain input fields to capture the payment data.
  5. Call the SDK function without any parameters. The show function visualizes the Paysafe JS fields and returns a list of available payment methods.
  6. Finally, add the instance.tokenize function to the Pay button's click event. This returns a single-use payment handle token (the token representing the card data entered by the user is stored in the Payment API). Single-use tokens are valid for only 15 minutes.
  7. Send the token to your merchant server, where the standard Payment API payment endpoint can be used to make payment.

Single-use payment handle tokens are valid for 15 minutes before expiring. You can convert them to a re-usable, multi-use payment handle, which enables you to do recurring billing, e.g., pay a subscription or create a "remember me" feature.

Enhancing the Payment Form

Here's how you can enhance the Payment form:

  • You can style the payment fields using specific CSS commands as part of the style section of the options object in the fields.setup function.
  • You can use the SDK on the function to subscribe to events inside the hosted field iframes that correspond to user actions, like entering an invalid card number or selecting the field (focus). 

Including the SDK

When you include the SDK <script> tag in the <head> element, you should include the latest version.

Including the latest SDK version ensures that you receive all updates and bug fixes automatically.

Include the Latest Version

To include the latest version of the SDK, use the following:

<script src=""></script>

Example Payment Form

The following example shows the use of Paysafe.js to create a form to collect sensitive data securely(Card number, CVV & Expiration date), and it also contains the button that initiates the tokenization request (if successful) will be displayed in the browser console

<!-- Basic Paysafe.js example -->
<!-- include the Paysafe.js SDK -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- external style for the payment fields.internal style must be set using the SDK -->
.inputField {
border: 1px solid #e5e9ec;
height: 40px;
padding-left: 10px;

<!-- Create divs for the payment fields -->
<div id="cardNumber" class="inputField"></div>
<div id="expiryDate" class="inputField"></div>
<div id="cvv" class="inputField"></div>

<!-- Add a payment button -->
<button id="payNow" type="button">Pay now</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
// Base64-encoded version the Single-Use Token API key.
// Create the key below by concatenating the API username and password
// separated by a colon and Base 64 encoding the result
var API_KEY =
'Your Base64-encoded Single-use-Token Api Key';

var options = {
// You must provide currencyCode to the Paysafe JS SDK to enable the Payment API integration
currencyCode: 'USD',

// select the Paysafe test / sandbox environment
environment: 'TEST',

// Provide a cards merchant account if you have more than one configured for that same API key
// accounts: {
// default: 0000000000,
// },
// set the CSS selectors to identify the payment field divs above
// set the placeholder text to display in these fields
fields: {
cardNumber: {
selector: '#cardNumber',
placeholder: 'Card number',
separator: ' ',
expiryDate: {
selector: '#expiryDate',
placeholder: 'Expiry date',
cvv: {
selector: '#cvv',
placeholder: 'CVV',
optional: false,

// initalize the hosted iframes using the SDK setup function
let demoInstance;
.setup(API_KEY, options)
.then(instance => {
console.log('Setup instance completed.');
demoInstance = instance;
.then(paymentMethods => {
if (paymentMethods.card && !paymentMethods.card.error) {
// When the customer clicks Pay Now,
// call the SDK tokenize function to create
// a single-use payment token corresponding to the card details entered
function (event) {
var tokenizationOptions = {
amount: 1000,
transactionType: 'PAYMENT',
paymentType: 'CARD',
merchantRefNum: 'merchant-ref-num-' + new Date().getTime(),
customerDetails: {
billingDetails: {
country: 'US',
zip: '90210',
street: 'Oak Fields 6',
city: 'ca',
state: 'CA',
.then(result => {
// write the Payment token value to the browser console
.catch(error => {
// display the tokenization error in dialog window
.catch(error => {
// display any setup errors

Paysafe.js errors are numbered in the range 9nnn. Errors in the other ranges are generated by the Payment API and may be caused by using an invalid single-use token API key, or by using your server-to-server API key rather than the single-use token API key.

Further Details

The SDK consist of the setup function, several instance function (including several field functions). Click the links below for full details.

Function Purpose
Main Functions

Creates the hosted fields instance.

Validates options.

Preload any merchant configurations.

Populates the specified containers (typically div containers) on your payment form for each of the sensitive fields.

Sets the style and placeholder text (e.g., Card number) for these fields along with an optional card number separator.

Provides information on which payment methods have loaded successfully and available for use.

instance.tokenize Triggers the tokenization process that provides a single-use payment handle for use with the Payments API.
instance.on Subscribe to events emitted by the instance.
instance.fields.<fieldname>.on Subscribe to events emitted by a particular field.
Additional Functions
instance.fields.<fieldname>.<event type> Shorthand event registration—a shorthand method of registering for events. This is an alternative to the on function.
instance.getCardBrand Retrieves the current card brand.
instance.cardBrandRecognition Subscribe to the cardBrandRecognition event.
instance.submit Subscribe to the submit event.
instance.fields.<fieldname>.isEmpty Checks if the named field is empty.
instance.fields.<fieldname>.isValid Checks if the named field is valid.
instance.areAllFieldsValid Checks if all fields are valid.
instance.badBin The card brand is enabled for transaction salvage and there is a chance that the transaction will be declined
instance.unsupportedCardBrand The card brand is not configured for the merchant's account
instance.resetCardDetails Clears previously inserted card data in all fields. Optionally expiry date can be prefilled by passing it as argument.



Version Description

Paysafe.js integration with Payment API launched.

1.14.0 Added Saved Cards functionality.