The customer wants to cash out from the merchant's site. The merchant sends a Bank Account Verification API request, including some customer profile information.
Pass your device fingerprint to your server. The server must call the /authentications endpoint of the Paysafe REST APIs. The response from the /authentications call…
The challenge() method will provide a ChallengeResolution object used to start an activity that will let the user handle the required 3DS challenge. You can begin the…
This step is necessary, because if the Location Services are not turned on before creating an instance of ThreeDSecureService the initialization would fail with NullPointerException.…
1. Simple example
Refer to the example code.
2. Simple example with basic styling
Refer to the example code.
3. Simple example with basic styling and event…
Setup Function and Objects
Here is a full list of the setup function parameters, the JavaScript objects used by the setup function, and the parameters they contain.
Parameter Required…