Vous pouvez intégrer votre application de commerce électronique directement à notre API 3D2 Secure, qui est agnostique de plateforme, afin que vos marchands puissent atténuer le risque de fraude tout en permettant aux titulaires de cartes de bénéficier d’une sécurité supplémentaire lors de l’utilisation de leurs cartes en ligne. Paysafe est conforme à 3D Secure, version 1.0.2.
Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour voir nos exemples de code.
$response = $this->getClient()->threeDSecureV2Service()->authentications(new Authentications(array(
'merchantRefNum' => uniqid($this->generateRandomString()),
'amount' => 99999999999,
'currency' => "USD",
'deviceFingerprintingId' => "dd45e08a-8eab-443a-a6f3-4361f92bc7d9",
'card' => array(
'cardExpiry' => array(
'month' => Date('n'),
'year' => Date('Y'),
'cardNum' => "4000000000000051",
'holderName' => "John Smith"
'merchantUrl'=> "https://mysite.com",
'authenticationPurpose' => "PAYMENT_TRANSACTION",
'deviceChannel' => "BROWSER",
'messageCategory' => "PAYMENT",
$response = $client()->threeDSecureService()->getAuthentication(new Authentications(array(
'id' => “e067d83f - add7 - 4b6b - 8884 - dfa8693dde1f”
$response = $this->getClient()->threeDSecureV2Service()->authentications(new Authentications(array(
'amount' => 99999999999,
'currency' => "EUR",
'mcc' => "0742",
'merchantName' => "Merchant Name Inc",
'merchantRefNum' => uniqid($this->generateRandomString()),
'merchantUrl'=> "https://mysite.com",
'card' => array(
'cardExpiry' => array(
'month' => Date('n'),
'year' => Date('Y'),
'cardNum' => "4000000000000051",
'holderName' => "John Smith"
'billingDetails' => array(
'city' => "New York",
'country' => "US",
'state' => 'AL',
'street' => "My street 1",
'street2' => "My street 2",
'zip' => "M5H 2N2",
'useAsShippingAddress' => 'false'
'shippingDetails'=> array(
'city' => "New York",
'country'=> "US",
'state' => "AL",
'street' => "My street 1",
'street2' => "My street 2",
'zip' => "CHY987",
'shipMethod' => "S"
'profile'=> array (
'cellPhone' => "+154657854697",
'email' => "example@example.com",
'phone' => "+154657854697"
'deviceFingerprintingId' => "dd45e08a-8eab-443a-a6f3-4361f92bc7d9",
'deviceChannel' => "BROWSER",
'requestorChallengePreference' => "NO_PREFERENCE",
'messageCategory' => "PAYMENT",
'transactionIntent' => "GOODS_OR_SERVICE_PURCHASE",
'authenticationPurpose' => "PAYMENT_TRANSACTION",
'maxAuthorizationsForInstalmentPayment' => 2,
'initialPurchaseTime' => "2019-01-21T14:47:31.540Z",
'billingCycle' => array(
'endDate' => "2014-01-26",
'frequency' => 1
'orderItemDetails' => array(
'preOrderItemAvailabilityDate' => "2014-01-26",
'preOrderPurchaseIndicator' => "MERCHANDISE_AVAILABLE",
'reorderItemsIndicator' => "FIRST_TIME_ORDER",
'shippingIndicator' => "SHIP_TO_BILLING_ADDRESS"
'purchasedGiftCardDetails' => array(
'amount' => 1234,
'count' => 2,
'currency' => "USD"
'userAccountDetails' => array(
'addCardAttemptsForLastDay' => 1,
'changedDate' => "2010-01-26",
'changedRange' => "DURING_TRANSACTION",
'createdDate' => "2010-01-26",
'createdRange' => "NO_ACCOUNT",
'passwordChangedDate' => "2012-01-26",
'passwordChangedRange' => "NO_CHANGE",
'paymentAccountDetails' => array(
'createdRange' => "NO_ACCOUNT",
'createdDate' => "2010-01-26"
'priorThreeDSAuthentication' => array(
'data' => "Some up to 2048 bytes undefined data",
'id' => "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
'time' => "2014-01-26T10:32:28Z"
'shippingDetailsUsage' => array(
'cardHolderNameMatch' => true,
'initialUsageDate' => "2014-01-26",
'initialUsageRange' => "CURRENT_TRANSACTION"
'suspiciousAccountActivity' => true,
'totalPurchasesSixMonthCount' => 1,
'transactionCountForPreviousDay' => 1,
'transactionCountForPreviousYear' => 3,
'travelDetails' => array(
'isAirTravel' => true,
'airlineCarrier' => "Wizz air",
'departureDate' => "2014-01-26",
'destination' => "SOF",
'origin' => "BCN",
'passengerFirstName' => "John",
'passengerLastName' => "Smith"
'userLogin' => array(
'authenticationMethod' => "NO_LOGIN",
'data' => "Some up to 2048 bytes undefined data",
'time' => "2014-01-26T10:32:28Z"
'browserDetails' => array(
'acceptHeader' => "*/*",
'colorDepthBits' => "24",
'customerIp' => "",
'javascriptEnabled' => true,
'javaEnabled' => true,
'language' => "en-US",
'screenHeight' => 768,
'screenWidth' => 1024,
'timezoneOffset' => 240,
'userAgent' => "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Win32; WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5)"
$response = $this->getClient()->threeDSecureV2Service()->authentications(new Authentications(array(
'amount' => 99999999999,
'currency' => "EUR",
'mcc' => "0742",
'merchantName' => "Merchant Name Inc",
'merchantRefNum' => uniqid($this->generateRandomString()),
'merchantUrl'=> "https://mysite.com",
'card' => array(
'paymentToken' => $this->generateSingleUseToken()
'billingDetails' => array(
'city' => "New York",
'country' => "US",
'state' => 'AL',
'street' => "My street 1",
'street2' => "My street 2",
'zip' => "M5H 2N2",
'useAsShippingAddress' => 'false'
'shippingDetails'=> array(
'city' => "New York",
'country'=> "US",
'state' => "AL",
'street' => "My street 1",
'street2' => "My street 2",
'zip' => "CHY987",
'shipMethod' => "S"
'profile'=> array (
'cellPhone' => "+154657854697",
'email' => "example@example.com",
'phone' => "+154657854697"
'deviceFingerprintingId' => "dd45e08a-8eab-443a-a6f3-4361f92bc7d9",
'deviceChannel' => "BROWSER",
'requestorChallengePreference' => "NO_PREFERENCE",
'messageCategory' => "PAYMENT",
'transactionIntent' => "GOODS_OR_SERVICE_PURCHASE",
'authenticationPurpose' => "PAYMENT_TRANSACTION",
'maxAuthorizationsForInstalmentPayment' => 2,
'initialPurchaseTime' => "2019-01-21T14:47:31.540Z",
'billingCycle' => array(
'endDate' => "2014-01-26",
'frequency' => 1
'orderItemDetails' => array(
'preOrderItemAvailabilityDate' => "2014-01-26",
'preOrderPurchaseIndicator' => "MERCHANDISE_AVAILABLE",
'reorderItemsIndicator' => "FIRST_TIME_ORDER",
'shippingIndicator' => "SHIP_TO_BILLING_ADDRESS"
'purchasedGiftCardDetails' => array(
'amount' => 1234,
'count' => 2,
'currency' => "USD"
'userAccountDetails' => array(
'addCardAttemptsForLastDay' => 1,
'changedDate' => "2010-01-26",
'changedRange' => "DURING_TRANSACTION",
'createdDate' => "2010-01-26",
'createdRange' => "NO_ACCOUNT",
'passwordChangedDate' => "2012-01-26",
'passwordChangedRange' => "NO_CHANGE",
'paymentAccountDetails' => array(
'createdRange' => "NO_ACCOUNT",
'createdDate' => "2010-01-26"
'priorThreeDSAuthentication' => array(
'data' => "Some up to 2048 bytes undefined data",
'id' => "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
'time' => "2014-01-26T10:32:28Z"
'shippingDetailsUsage' => array(
'cardHolderNameMatch' => true,
'initialUsageDate' => "2014-01-26",
'initialUsageRange' => "CURRENT_TRANSACTION"
'suspiciousAccountActivity' => true,
'totalPurchasesSixMonthCount' => 1,
'transactionCountForPreviousDay' => 1,
'transactionCountForPreviousYear' => 3,
'travelDetails' => array(
'isAirTravel' => true,
'airlineCarrier' => "Wizz air",
'departureDate' => "2014-01-26",
'destination' => "SOF",
'origin' => "BCN",
'passengerFirstName' => "John",
'passengerLastName' => "Smith"
'userLogin' => array(
'authenticationMethod' => "NO_LOGIN",
'data' => "Some up to 2048 bytes undefined data",
'time' => "2014-01-26T10:32:28Z"
'browserDetails' => array(
'acceptHeader' => "*/*",
'colorDepthBits' => "24",
'customerIp' => "",
'javascriptEnabled' => true,
'javaEnabled' => true,
'language' => "en-US",
'screenHeight' => 768,
'screenWidth' => 1024,
'timezoneOffset' => 240,
'userAgent' => "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Win32; WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5)"
Pour obtenir un deviceFingerprintingId, veuillez consulter la documentation SDK Javascript.
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