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Creating Account Updater Files

Account Updater files are CSV files that you upload to the Paysafe SFTP site. Your CSV file can contain records for one or more merchant accounts, provided you are the rightful owner of these accounts.

This topic describes:

Formatting your file

Your CSV file must conform to the following:

  • Have no spaces between values.
  • Each line (record) in the file must contain the data for one Account Updater query only.
  • The values in each record must be those specified in Account Updater File Fields and in the same order as they are listed.
  • The maximum size of an Account Updater file is 1 MB.
  • For optimal performance, each Account Updater file should be no larger than 3MB or 50,000 records.

If any record in the uploaded file contains an error, e.g., a missing field, no part of file will be processed and you will receive an acknowledgment file from Paysafe, listing which records are in error so you can correct them and upload the file again.

Naming your file

You must use the following convention for naming your Account Updater file:


For example:


Your file name should consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores only. Do not use special characters, such as dashes, spaces, or quotation marks, when naming your file. If you do not name your file in this way it will not be processed.

Once the file is encrypted (see Encrypting your Account Updater files), the file name gets a .gpg extension; for example:


Account Updater file fields

The following table describes the fields that must be included in each record in the Account Updater file. Apart from Store ID and Store Password, which are optional, you need to supply all the fields for all record identification methods, except for the Expiry Date and Card Type, which are only required when you use the credit card number. If you omit the Store ID or Store Password you must still include the blank field, with the necessary commas, in your records.

Account Updater File Fields
Field Description
FMA Your Paysafe merchant account number. Up to 10 digits.
Store ID Your Paysafe store ID; provided by Paysafe during integration, this is used to authenticate your request. Up to 80 characters. Optional, but if you leave the field blank, you must still include the necessary commas.
Store Password Your Paysafe store password; provided by Paysafe during integration, this is used to authenticate your request. Up to 20 characters. Optional, but if you leave the field blank, you must still include the necessary commas.
Record Value

A record identifier, which is one of these:

  • The number and expiry date of the credit card you are inquiring about. You can use this with either the Paysafe Web Services API or the Hosted Payments API.
  • The NETBANX Ref. ID, which is returned in response to a successful order through the Paysafe Hosted Payments API. Get the value from either:
    • The ID returned in the response from the Hosted Payments API.
    • The NETBANX Ref. ID on the Transaction Details page when you run an activity report in the Paysafe Merchant Back Office.

    • The Confirmation Number. Merchants using the NETBANX Web Services API to process NETBANX Stored Data (card number and expiry date) for processing re-bills can include the confirmation number that they received from NETBANX in response to any successful card purchase or authorization from the last 24 months.
      • If a new card number and expiry dates are returned, NETBANX updates its Stored Data and uses it for subsequent transactions using that confirmation number.

      • If the card account is closed, NETBANX updates its Stored Data to reflect this.
        Do not attempt a transaction using this confirmation number, because it will fail.

      The confirmation number is:

      • Returned to your API when processing transactions through the NETBANX Web Services
      • On the transaction details page when you run an activity report in the NETBANX Merchant Back Office; for example:
  • The Payment token. This is the permanent payment token received when a card is added to a profile in Customer Vault.
Expiry Date

Needed only when you use a credit card number.

The credit card expiry date in the format MMYY.

Card Type

Needed only when you use a credit card number.

The credit card brand, which is either

  • VI
  • MC
Record Types

The type of record you are inquiring about. Either:

  • CARD – The record contains a credit card number and expiry date
  • NBX – The record contains a NETBANX Ref. ID for a previously processed Hosted Payments order.
  • CONF – You are sending a confirmation number for a previously processed Web Services transaction in the record.
  • PAYMENT_TOKEN - The record contains a permanent payment token

Example records

Here are examples of valid records.

Credit card

This record contains a credit card number and expiry date:


Credit card no merchant credentials

The following is an example of a valid record that does not contain the store ID or store password:


If you are omitting the value for an optional field, you must still include a place for that field, offset with commas (for example, value,value, , ,value).


This record contains a NETBANX Ref. ID:


Confirmation Number

This record contains a confirmation number:


Payment Token

This record contains a payment token:
