Typical Scenarios
This page describes typical scenarios in onboarding a merchant.
- Create an initial application: When you are onboarding a new merchant, the first step is to create an initial application for the merchant.
- Create an application, as this is a new merchant, provide all the requested merchant data.
- Get terms – the terms applicable to a particular merchant application will be returned through this call, along with the version of terms in the header. The terms document currently is provided in PDF or HTML format, you can speak with the integration team to get the required format configured.
- Submit application – the merchant data can be updated till the submit application is not called. Further which the merchant data cannot be edited via this API. Using the version provided in the 'Get terms' call, submit the application.
- Add a new location: You can request an additional location for an existing merchant. Note that the initial application needs to be approved before the new location application. This application type will require the merchant ID from the initial application and details of the new location.
- Create an application with the details of new location request.
- Get the terms and then submit the application.
- Add a new account:
- Create an application with the required data.
- To process the application, call the Submit Application API, and set submit as true.
- Subaccount: If you opt for the subaccount model, then you can add multiple subaccounts once the initial application approved.
- Create an application with the required data.
- Set type as ADD_SUB_ACCOUNT.
- To proceed for further processing of the application, call the Submit Application API, and set submit as true.
- Edit subaccount: This application type can be used if you want to change the details of your existing subaccounts. The subaccount ID needs to be provided to update the account details.
- Create an application with the required data.
- Set type as EDIT_SUB_ACCOUNT.
- To proceed with processing of the application, call the Submit Application API, and set submit as true.
Upload Documents (optional - POST /merchant/v1/applications/{appId}/documents)
While submitting an application, you have to upload preconfigured list of documents, a request will be provided within the application to upload the documents. Additionally, during the application review stage, a request may be sent to you to provide additional documents. The platform partner can also register for webhooks that will provide the status of documents (pending and submitted). Supported file formats to upload documents are: image/png, image/jpeg, image/webp, image/bmp, text/csv, application/pdf, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.-
Get all additional documents: GET Get all additional documents for an application.
Upload an additional document for an application: POST Upload an additional document for an application.
Get an additional document: GET Get an additional document.
Delete an additional document: DELETE Delete an additional document.
Update an additional document: PATCH Update an additional document.
Get master list of documents for an application: GET Get master list.
Next Steps 
The following stages are part of a merchant lifecycle after the merchant application is submitted.
- The application will pass through our internal review process and setup team to create accounts as per the request.
- In the sandbox environment, you can simulate an approval by sending simulated data inputs.
- The status update of every stage of the application is provided by webhooks.
- Webhooks are used to establish communication between two applications.
- Webhooks automatically send data in response to a specific event, without any request from another software. For more information, see Webhooks.
- Use Payments API to accept payments via multiple payment methods using a single end point integration to process payments.