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Transaction History



The Transaction history module exposes features for managing transactions.


Service class for managing transactions related operations.

Get Single Transaction

Retrieves a specific user transaction by ID.

import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';

const transactionId = '1234567890';

  .then(response => console.log('Transaction info', response))
  .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching transaction history', error));

Get Transaction History

Retrieves a list of user transactions by accountId or merchantRefNum.
Either accountId or merchantRefNum must be provided. If both are missing a WalletError will be returned.


Parameter Data type/Format Description Example
accountId string Used to filter transactions by account ID '192837465'
merchantRefNum string Used to filter transactions by merchantRefNum '546372819'
limit number Optional parameter to limit the number of results 20
offset number Optional parameter to specify the starting point for fetching results, indicating the number of items to skip 0
startDate string , ISO 8601 / YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' Optional parameter to filter transactions created after the specified date and time 2023-10-05T14:43:33Z
endDate string , ISO 8601 / YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' Optional parameter to filter transactions created before the specified date and time 2023-11-05T14:43:33Z
slipId string Optional parameter to filter transactions by slipId 5009964049
import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';
import { TransactionHistoryParameters } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/transaction-history';

 * You can choose to provide only one of these or both. 
 * The rest of the filters are optional.
const transactionHistoryParameters: TransactionHistoryParameters = {
  accountId: '1234567890', 
  merchantRefNum: '0987654321'

  .then(response => console.log('Transaction history', response))
  .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching transaction history', error));

You can achieve pagination by combining the limit and offset filters. For instance, implementing pagination with a page size of 10 results per page would involve configuring:

  • Page 1: limit=10, offset=0
    const trnHistParams: TransactionHistoryParameters = {
      accountId: '1234567890', 
      limit: 10,
      offset: 0
  • Page 2: limit=10, offset=10
    const trnHistParams: TransactionHistoryParameters = {
      accountId: '1234567890', 
      limit: 10,
      offset: 10
  • Page 3: limit=10, offset=20
    const trnHistParams: TransactionHistoryParameters = {
      accountId: '1234567890', 
      limit: 10,
      offset: 20
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