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Withdrawal operation allows customers of Paysafe Embedded Wallet to draw funds from their embedded wallet accounts. The supported deposit methods are:

  • Debit to Credit card
  • Bank transfer to an external bank account

It is required, that the owner of the withdraw instrument and wallet account are the same.

Embedded wallet leverages Paysafe Payments API for deposits, withdrawals and refunds.

Withdrawal corresponds to STANDALONE_CREDIT transaction type in Payments API. All operations associated with an Embedded Wallet account require additional wallet property to be present. The wallet parameter contains the information for the wallet customer and the account associated with the transaction.

Bank Account Withdrawal

Customers can withdraw the amount to their bank account. Withdrawals in EUR and GBP are supported.

  • The withdrawal amount cannot exceed the balance of the user.
  • Merchant fees are substracted from the withdrawal amount

Withdraw to a bank account

  1. Customer initiates withdrawal to a bank account on Merchant's platform.

  2. Merchant calls Paysafe to create a Payment Handle for a standalone credit


        "merchantRefNum": "merchantRefNum-124",
        "transactionType": "STANDALONE_CREDIT",
        "sepa": {
            "nickName": "Sally's Barclays Account",
            "accountHolderName": "John Doe",
            "bic": "ABNANL2APIP",
            "iban": "DE89370400440532013000"
        "paymentType": "BANK_TRANSFER",
        "amount": 3000,
        "currencyCode": "EUR",
        "customerIp": "",
        "billingDetails": {
            "nickName": "Home",
            "street": "100 Queen",
            "street2": "Unit 201",
            "city": "Toronto",
            "zip": "M5H 2N2",
            "country": "CA"
           "customerId" : "GGG",
           "verifiedInstrument" : false,
           "customerAccount" : {


        "id": "372b5ee7-6360-4403-b444-164f8f1d2709",
        "amount": 3000,
        "merchantRefNum": "merchantRefNum-124",
        "action": "NONE",
        "currencyCode": "EUR",
        "usage": "SINGLE_USE",
        "status": "PAYABLE",
        "paymentType": "BANK_TRANSFER",
        "executionMode": "SYNCHRONOUS",
        "customerIp": "",
        "paymentHandleToken": "SCyGZDlUuZ9zxjyd",
        "billingDetails": {
            "nickName": "Home",
            "street": "100 Queen",
            "street2": "Unit 201",
            "city": "Toronto",
            "country": "CA",
            "zip": "M5H 2N2"
        "sepa": {
            "nickName": "Sally's Barclays Account",
            "accountHolderName": "John Doe",
            "bic": "ABNANL2APIP",
            "lastDigits": "00"
           "customerId" : "GGG",
           "slipId" : "100753",
           "verifiedInstrument" : false,
           "customerAccount" : {
        "timeToLiveSeconds": 899,
        "transactionType": "STANDALONE_CREDIT"

  3. Merchant finalizes the standalone credit


        "amount": 3000,
        "merchantRefNum": "merchantRefNum-151",
        "currencyCode": "EUR",
        "paymentHandleToken": "SCyGZDlUuZ9zxjyd",
        "customerIp": "",
        "description": "Pay surplus"


        "id": "e075f2ae-dfc4-4f6d-8d89-61158367b6a6",
        "amount": 3000,
        "merchantRefNum": "merchantRefNum-151",
        "paymentHandleToken": "SCyGZDlUuZ9zxjyd",
        "customerIp": "",
        "currencyCode": "EUR",
        "paymentType": "BANK_TRANSFER",
        "status": "PROCESSING",
        "description": "Pay surplus",
        "sepa": {
           "nickName": "Sally's Barclays Account",
           "accountHolderName": "John Doe",
           "bic": "ABNANL2APIP",
           "lastDigits": "00"
         "customerId" : "abc",
         "slipId" : "100753",
         "verifiedInstrument" : true,
         "customerAccount" : {
            "transactions": [{
              "id": "12321",
              "type": "TRANSFER_IN",
              "amount": 3000,
              "currencyCode": "EUR",
              "creationTime": "2021-07-15T17:54:12Z",
              "direction": "CREDIT",
              "paymentType": "BANK_TRANSFER",
              "status": "COMPLETED",
              "merchantRefNum": "merchantRefNum-151"
              "id": "12322",
              "type": "WITHDRAWAL",
              "amount": 3000,
              "currencyCode": "EUR",
              "creationTime": "2021-07-15T17:54:12Z",
              "direction": "DEBIT",
              "fee": 0,
              "paymentType": "BANK_TRANSFER",
              "status": "PROCESSING",
              "merchantRefNum": "merchantRefNum-151"
          "merchantAccount" : {
             "id": "def",
            "transactions": [{
              "id": "12323",
              "type": "TRANSFER_OUT",
              "amount": 3000,
              "currencyCode": "EUR",
              "creationTime": "2021-07-15T17:54:12Z",
              "direction": "DEBIT",
              "paymentType": "BANK_TRANSFER",
              "status": "COMPLETED",
              "merchantRefNum": "merchantRefNum-151"

  4. Paysafe debits withdrawal amount and fee, if applicable, from the customer’s wallet.

  5. Paysafe credits customer fees to the Merchant wallet.

Paysafe will also make sure any returned withdrawals are processed by crediting the returned amount back to the customer’s wallet. The Merchant will receive a notification for such returned withdrawals.

Card Withdrawal

Customers can withdraw from their fiat balance to cards as well (Visa Direct - credit and debit cards). The withdrawal amount cannot exceed the fiat balance of the customer. Withdrawals in EUR and GBP will be supported.

Withdraw to a card

  • Customer initiates fiat withdrawal to his card on Merchant's platform.

  • Merchant requests the withdrawal from Paysafe and includes the customer’s card details in the request.

  • Paysafe validates there is an available balance in the customer’s wallet.

  • Paysafe debits withdrawal amount and fee (if applicable) from the customer’s wallet.

  • Paysafe routes the withdrawal to our partner banks and payment providers.

  • Paysafe credits customer fee to Merchant wallet.

  • Paysafe returns a payment details response to the Merchant.

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