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Withdrawal module exposes features for managing withdrawals.


Use WithdrawalService to manage withdrawals.

Get Withdrawal Options

Retrieves a list of withdrawal options. The withdrawal options are all the available withdrawal options for the user.

Payment options refer to the methods of transferring funds(e.g., CARD, BANK_TRANSFER), while instrument types pertain to the specific financial tools or mechanisms used in these transactions ( e.g., SEPA_BANK_ACCOUNT, CARD).

import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';

    .then(response => console.log('Withdrawal options', response))
    .catch(error => console.error('Error getting withdrawal options', error));

Preview withdrawal

Use preview method to create a withdrawal for the current customer. Withdrawals are created in PREVIEW state. Withdrawals are created in a PREVIEW state. The operation allows to check withdrawal parameters and display the fees.


Parameter Data type Description Example
amount number Required parameter for amount of withdrawal in minor units. 100
currencyCode string Required parameter for currency of the withdrawal. Format ISO 4217. 'USD'
paymentOption PaymentOptionType Required parameter for payment option of the withdrawal. PaymentOption.US_BANK_ACCOUNT
paymentInstrumentReference PaymentInstrumentReference Required parameter, reference to existing verified payment instrument { instrumentType: InstrumentType.US_BANK_ACCOUNT, id: '1234567890' }
merchantRefNum string Optional parameter for merchant reference number. '19481996'
paymentProperties PaymentProperty[] Optional parameter for additional payment option specific properties. [{ key: 'key',value: 'value' }]


Enumeration that represents different types of payment options.

TypeScript possible values JavaScript possible values Description
PaymentOptionType.RAPID_TRANSFER 'RAPID_TRANSFER' Rapid transfer.
PaymentOptionType.BANK_TRANSFER 'BANK_TRANSFER' Bank transfer.
PaymentOptionType.CARD 'CARD' Card.


Parameter Data type Description Example
id string Required parameter for payment instrument reference of the withdrawal. '123'
instrumentType InstrumentType Required parameter for payment instrument type of the withdrawal. CARD


Enumeration that represents different types of payment options.

TypeScript possible values JavaScript possible values Description
InstrumentType.UK_BANK_ACCOUNT 'UK_BANK_ACCOUNT' UK bank account.
InstrumentType.US_BANK_ACCOUNT 'US_BANK_ACCOUNT' US bank account.
InstrumentType.CARD 'CARD' Payment card.


Parameter Data type Description Example
key string Optional parameter for key of the payment property. 'key'
value string Optional parameter for value of the payment property. 'value'
import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';
import { WithdrawalRequest } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/withdrawals';
import { PaymentInstrumentReference } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/payment-instruments';
import { InstrumentType } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/common';

const withdrawalRequest: WithdrawalRequest = {
    amount: 1000,
    currencyCode: 'USD',
    paymentOption: PaymentOption.BANK_TRANSFER,
    paymentInstrumentReference: {
        instrumentType: InstrumentType.US_BANK_ACCOUNT,
        id: '1234567890'

    .then(response => console.log('Create withdrawal preview', response))
    .catch(error => console.error('Error create withdrawal preview', error));

Create Withdrawal

Use create method to perform the required validations and move the withdrawal in PENDING state. Pass the id from the Withdrawal object returned by the preview method.


Parameter Data type Description Example
id string Required parameter for id of the withdrawal. '123'
import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';
import { WithdrawalCreate } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/withdrawals';

const requestBody: WithdrawalCreate = {
    id: '1234567890'

    .then(response => console.log('Create withdrawal', response))
    .catch(error => console.error('Error create withdrawal', error));

Confirm Withdrawal

Use confirm method to confirm the withdrawal. Pass the id from the Withdrawal object returned by the create method.


Parameter Data type Description Example
id string Required parameter for id of the withdrawal. '123'
import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';
import { WithdrawalConfirm } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/withdrawals';

const requestBody: WithdrawalConfirm = {
    id: '1234567890'

    .then(response => console.log('Confirm withdrawal', response))
    .catch(error => console.error('Error confirm withdrawal', error));

Get Withdrawals

Use getAll method to retrieve a list of withdrawals by passing the GetWithdrawalsParameters. If no parameters are passed, it will return the last 10 withdrawals by default.


Parameter Data type Description Example
limit number Optional parameter for the maximum number of withdraws to return. 10
merchantRefNum string Optional parameter for the merchant reference number of the withdraw. '19481996'
offset number Optional parameter used to get withdraws from a specific starting point. 10
slipId string Optional parameter for payment slip id. '123'
import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';
import { WithdrawalParameters } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/withdrawals';

const getWithdrawalsParameters: GetWithdrawalsParameters = {
    offset: 10,
    limit: 10,
    merchantRefNum: '1234567890',
    slipId: '1234567890',

    .then(response => console.log('Get all withdrawal', response))
    .catch(error => console.error('Error get all withdrawal', error));

Get Withdrawal

Retrieves the withdrawal by passing the id of the withdrawal.

import { Wallet } from '@paysafe/paysafe-wallet-saas-web/wallet';

const withdrawalId = '1234567890';

    .then(response => console.log('Get withdrawal', response))
    .catch(error => console.error('Error get withdrawal', error));
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