How Checkout Works
Paysafe's Checkout JS library enables a simple integration process allowing you to easily deploy Checkout to your website. With just a few lines of code, you can load the Checkout interface and start collecting payments. The library handles all of the complexities of payment processing, securely transmitting payment details to our server for transaction completion. In addition, you can easily customize the look and feel of Checkout to match your brand identity.
To set up a test account, email our Integration Support team - include the supported payment methods you'd like to add to your test account.
Integrating Checkout
How to use the SDK
Include the Paysafe Checkout SDK in your HTML payment form.
Call the Checkout setup function with your Public API key.
The callback uses AJAX to send the payment handle token (containing tokenized customer payment details) to your (merchant) website. -
Write your own logic to send the token to your (merchant) server to make a payment or process a payout using the Paysafe Payments API.
Including the SDK
The SDK is located here:
Include it in your HTML form by adding a <script> element in either the header or body.
<script src=""></script>
The Setup Function
The setup function creates an iframe overlay containing the secure payment/withdrawal form hosted on Paysafe’s servers. You will need to pass a callback function as part of your setup to manage paymentHandle success and failure. It has the following parameters:
The Base64-encoded version of the API key.
An options object containing the environment to use (Test or Live), the payment amount, currency, and several parameters to personalize the payment form and customize its appearance.
A resultCallback which receives the Paysafe Checkout instance and paymentHandle successful tokenization (by sending the token to your merchant server). It also responds to any errors caused by a failed tokenization.
An optional closeCallback function to handle the customer closing the payment overlay.
An optional riskCallback function to receive the amount and payment method selected by the customer, and run your risk checks before the paymentHandle is created. Depending on the riskCallback response, the paymentHandle will be created and returned in the resultCallback.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
apiKey | Yes | string | Your Public API key, available in the Business Portal. |
options | Yes | object | Your merchant configuration for rendering the Checkout. |
resultCallback | Yes | function | Callback function invoked with the result or error from the payment, when the paymentHandle must be passed to your server. Returns an instance for flow control. |
closeCallback | No | function | Callback function that notifies your script when the Checkout is closed - invoked when a customer closes the Checkout without making a payment. |
riskCallback | No | function | Callback function invoked when you want to run your own risk rule using the amount and payment method. Depending on the callback response, the paymentHandle is created and returned in the resultCallback. |
Setup function example
<script src=""></script>
function checkout()
{paysafe.checkout.setup( apikey, options, resultCallback, closeCallback, riskCallback);}
The base64apikey
Use your public API Key.
Construct the Authorization header as follows:
Combine the Key Username and Key Password into a string separated by a colon, e.g. “Key Username:Key Password”.
Encode the resulting string literal using Base64.
Your API key will have the following format :
- Key Username: MerchantXYZ
- Key Password: B-tst1-0-51ed39e4-312d02345d3f123120881
- base64apikey : TWVyY2hhbnRYWV
The resultCallback function is invoked when the payment handle is successfully created and is in the PAYABLE state or when there is an error in the Checkout. It also passes an instance of the Checkout object. Using the functions provided in the instance object, you can control the Checkout experience.
resultCallback contains the following elements:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
instance | object | Yes | The Paysafe Payments Checkout instance. |
error | object | No | Contains error information, present if payment handle creation fails. |
result | object | Yes | Result that contains the payment token. |
instance object
Parameter | Type | Description |
isOpen | function | Checks if the overlay is still open. |
close | function | Closes the overlay without displaying the payment result. |
showSuccessScreen | function | Changes the Checkout layout to the success screen. |
showFailureScreen | function | Changes the Checkout layout to the failure screen. |
error object
Parameter | Type | Description |
message | string | Provides an error that can be displayed to customers. |
detailedMessage | string | Provides a detailed error message that can be logged. |
correlationId | string | Unique ID that can be provided to the Paysafe Support team as a reference for investigation. |
result object
Parameter | Type | Description |
paymentHandleToken | string | The Payment Handle token to be included in the Payments API call. |
paymentMethod | string | The payment method used by the customer. |
customerOperation | string | The customer operation for the card. Possible values are:
amount | number | The amount used to create the Payment Handle. Required because the customer might change the amount in the Checkout. |
transactionType | string | The transaction type of the operation that was carried out:
resultCallback function example
<script src=""></script>
function checkout()
{ paysafe.checkout.setup( apikey, options,
function(instance, error, result) {
if (result && result.paymentHandleToken) {
// Successfully Tokenized transaction, use result.paymentHandleToken to process a payment
// add AJAX code to send token to your merchant server
instance.showSuccessScreen("Your goods are now purchased. Expect them to be delivered in next 5 business days.");
} else {
// Tokenization failed and Payment Handled moved to failed Status
if(instance) {
instance.showFailureScreen("The payment was declined. Please, try again with the same or another payment method.");
}, closeCallback, riskCallback);
The closeCallback function notifies your merchant script when the Checkout is closed. closeCallback is invoked when:
- The customer closes the Checkout.
- You close the Checkout using the instance.close() method in the result callback after the payments call.
closeCallback contains the following elements:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
stage | string | Yes | Stage during which the Checkout overlay is closed. Possible values are:
expired | boolean | Yes | Indicates if the close event was triggered after the Checkout expired. |
closeCallback function example
<script src=""></script>
function checkout()
{ paysafe.checkout.setup( apikey, options, resultCallback,
function(stage, expired) {
if (stage) {
// Depeding upon the stage take different actions
switch (stage)
else {
console.log(expired) //Add action in case Checkout is expired
}, riskCallback);
The riskCallback function notifies you with the amount and selected payment method when the customer clicks the Pay/ Withdraw button in Checkout. riskCallback is invoked when:
The customer clicks the Pay/ Withdraw button in Checkout.
riskCallback contains the following elements.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | |
amount | String | Yes | The amount that the customer wants to pay. | |
paymentMethod | String | Yes | The payment method used by the customer. | |
instance | Object | Yes | The Paysafe Payments Checkout instance. | |
decline | function | When invoked, Checkout considers callback risk-check as failed and renders the error message which you pass as a parameter - see riskCallback example, below. | ||
accept | function | When invoked, Checkout considers callback risk-check as passed and proceeds with payment handle creation. See riskCallback example, below. |
riskCallback function example
<script src=""></script>
function checkout()
{ paysafe.checkout.setup( apikey, options, resultCallback, closeCallback
function(amount, paymentMethod, instance) {
if (amount>1000)
instance.decline("Amount is lower than the minimum accepted value");
Here is a full list of the setup function parameters, the JavaScript objects used by the setup function, and the parameters they contain.
Mandatory parameters
NOTE: These parameters are required in all cases.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
| Mandatory | number length = 1-9 | The payment amount is in minor units to charge the customer's card. Use the correct minor units amount for your merchant account currency. For example:
Min = 1 Max = 999999999 |
currency | Mandatory | string | The payment currency of your merchant account, for example, USD for US dollars. |
customer | Mandatory
| object | If a customer is a first-time user and the customer profile does not exist in Paysafe, then the you can choose to pass the profile in the call to create a payment handle. PagoEfectivo payment method: Mandatory if you are offering PagoEfectivo. SafetyPay payment method: Mandatory, if you are offering one of the following payment methods: SafetyPay Bank Transfer, SafetyPay Cash, Boleto Bancário, Pix, Khipu or MACH. |
merchantRefNum | Mandatory | string | A unique identifier that you provide for every Checkout transaction. |
customer object
merchantCustomerId | Optional | String | Unique customer identifier used at your end. |
firstName length<=80 | Mandatory | string | First name of the customer. |
lastName length<=80 | Mandatory | string | Last name of the customer. |
length<=255 | Mandatory | string | Email address of the customer. |
phone | Optional | Number | Phone number of the customer |
dateOfBirth | Conditional | object | Date of birth of the customer. |
dateofbirth object
year length=4 min=1900 | Conditional | number | Customer's year of birth. |
month length=2 max=12 | Conditional | number | Customer's month of birth. |
day length=2 max=31 | Conditional | number | Customer's day of birth. |
Optional/ Conditional parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
singleUseCustomerToken | Conditional | string | The singleUseCustomerToken that you generated using the Create a Single-Use Customer Token request. Any saved addresses and/or payment details would be displayed in the Checkout. |
canEditAmount | Conditional | boolean | If true, the customer can edit the Checkout amount before clicking Pay. If false, the amount is not editable. |
amountoptions | Optional | number array | Used to populate the amount options shown in Checkout, so that the customer can choose an amount by clicking a pre-set option instead of editing the populated amount. Only available if canEditAmount is set to "true". Validation:
displayPaymentMethods | Optional | array | Determines which available payment methods are displayed to the customer. Checkout displays the array values in the order in which they are passed. Case-sensitive. Sample values (varies with currency): displayPaymentMethods:[ "applePay","card", "mazooma" ,"skrill","PaysafeCard", "neteller", "paysafecash","instantach","sightline","vippreferred","paypal"], If this parameter is not included, Checkout dispays all payment methods available to the customer. |
paymentMethodDetails | conditional | object | Additional parameters required for specific payment methods - for details refer to the individual payment methods. |
payout | optional | Boolean | If true, the Withdrawal Checkout screen is launched. If false, Payment Checkout is launched. Defaults to false. |
payoutConfig | conditional | object | Required for Withdrawal Checkout only. This configuration is used to specify withdrawal limitations. |
maximumAmount length=1-9 | conditional | number | Specifies the maximum amount that a customer is allowed to withdraw from Checkout in the current session. |
locale | Optional | string | Language locale for the checkout:
If omitted, defaults to en_US. |
environment | Optional | string | Environment used for making the API calls and loading Checkout. Possible values are:
The default is Live. |
merchantDescriptor | Optional | object | A merchant descriptor. |
billingAddress | Conditional | object | The billing address of the customer that is displayed to the customer at checkout. You should include this object for first-time customers with no customer profile. If the customer entity has been created with the Payments API, then address information from the singleUseCustomerToken is used and you do not have to include the billingAddress object. NOTE: The address information in the billingAddress object is displayed in place of the address information from the singleUseCustomerToken, if both are included. Required for Interchecks. |
billingAddress object
nickName length<=50 | Conditional | Optional | An identifier to identify the type of address, such as "Work" or "Home". |
street | Conditional | string | First line of the customer's street address. |
street2 | Conditional | string | Second line of the customer's street address. This field is ignored with Direct Debit. |
city | Conditional | string | City in which the address is located. |
zip | Conditional | string | Zip or postal code for the address. |
country | Conditional | string | Country in which the address is located. |
state | Conditional | string | The state/ province/ region in which the customer lives. This field is ignored with Direct Debit. |
merchantDescriptor object
dynamicDescriptor length<=20 | Optional | string | A merchant descriptor. |
phone length<=13 | Optional | string | Your (merchant) phone number, which is appended to the merchant descriptor. |